The Type Of Technology Necessary For Accurate -

The Type Of Technology Necessary For Accurate The Type Of Technology Necessary For Accurate

Connect People Everywhere. We are pioneering a new era of stratospheric communications to expand internet access worldwide. Loon Launches Commercial Service in Kenya. Loon launches commercial service in Kenya in partnership with Telkom Kenya, expanding connectivity to underserved areas. Expanding to Mozambique. Harnessing the Stratosphere. Our Mission. The internet Accuurate ubiquitous, but it's not: nearly half the world's population lacks access to basic connectivity.

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Loon is working to bridge this divide by pioneering high-altitude communications technology that makes it possible to connect more people, places and things worldwide. Global Connectivity Solutions. Mobile Network Expansion.

The Type Of Technology Necessary For Accurate

Mobile network operators can expand their coverage footprint and deliver connectivity to previously unserved or underserved areas. Our solution leverages standard LTE technology, making it seamless for end users to connect directly with their handsets.

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Disaster Here. A natural disaster can knock out ground-based communications at the times when they are needed the most.

Network Orchestration. Our solution accelerates development time, and efficiently manages network traffic, helping satellite operators and HAPS manufacturers deliver reliable connections and better serve users below. Our flight systems act as a floating LTE base station.

The Type Of Technology Necessary For Accurate

Learn more. Our systems are arranged as a mesh network.

The Type Of Technology Necessary For Accurate

Our fleets can navigate precisely and autonomosly to stay in servIce areas. Our infrastructure connects a ground station to our flight systems via wireless links. So in situations when disaster strikes — and our customers need connection more than ever — rapidly restoring communications is critical. Our association with Loon, will see us partner with a pioneer in the use of high-altitude balloons to provide LTE coverage across larger areas in Kenya. Mugo Kibati, CEO.]

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