The Mystery Of The World -

The Mystery Of The World - really. agree

As a race, we humans love mysteries, regardless of whether they are simple riddles, exciting novels or something much bigger. Scientists, historians and enthusiasts have dedicated their entire careers to trying to solve some of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the world, yet there are many just seem unsolvable. On an isolated, arid plateau in southern Peru, the wind almost never blows. In this place, around the year to AD, the people of the Nazca culture began to remove the red stones covering the ground, leaving the white earth beneath visible. The art they created is phenomenal. How did a primitive civilization achieve such precision artwork on such a grand scale, when they had no way of viewing their accomplishments from the air? The legend originates from a series of three ciphertexts that Thomas Beale entrusted to a friend before disappearing and never to be seen again. The Mystery Of The World

From angels to ghosts, ancient prophets to modern psychic detectives, astral projection to the mystery of dream healing, all these and more are documented in come along for bizarre encounters, medical wonders, and baffling folktales, eyewitness accounts, rare photos and footage from around the globe.

The Mystery Of The World

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The Mystery Of The World

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