The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald -

The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald - any

President Donald Trump continued to allege voter fraud on Saturday as he claimed that there was information on the way from Georgia. Trump urged his supporters to 'stay tuned! Biden was declared the winner in Georgia after a hand recount this week. Trump's previous claims of fraud have been widely dismissed as his legal team has failed to supply any proof. Tucker Carlson left on Friday again challenged Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell right to produce evidence proving her allegation that millions of votes cast in favor of the president were switched. The dismissal of Floyd County Chief of Elections Clerk Robert Brady top right came just before the state officially certified Joe Biden bottom right as the winner of Georgia's 16 electoral college votes. The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald. The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald

The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald Video

How Donald Trump, White House reacted to Joe Biden's projected election victory

Trump has so far refused to concede and is promising unspecified legal challenges. He won Pennsylvania on Saturday to exceed the electoral votes needed to win the White House. Bush to lose his bid for a second term.

The two did not get along with President Donald Trump. The highest-ranking Black member of Congress says he specifically advised President-elect Joe Biden to pick a Black woman as his running mate if he wanted to win the White House. Of selecting California Sen.

All three men have had complicated and at times strained relationships with President Donald Trump.

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Biden was a young Delaware senator when Carter served as president from to The Trump administration has yet to formally begin the transition to President-elect Joe Biden. The Associated Press declared Biden the victor of the race late Saturday morning.

The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald

The formal ascertainment frees up millions of dollars and opens doors at federal agencies to Biden transition staffers to begin implementing transition plans. For his part, President Donald Presidwntial is not conceding the race and is promising unspecified legal challenges seeking to overturn the outcome of the race. President-elect Joe Biden is planning to address the nation on Saturday night.

The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald

His presidential campaign announced that Biden and his wife, Jill, and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff will appear at a drive-in rally outside the convention center in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden clinched the White House over President Donald Trump late Saturday morning with a in Pennsylvania, the state where he was born.

He later added Nevada to his column for a total of electoral votes with three states uncalled. The outdoor stage in Wilmington features projections of the Biden-Harris logo, colored lights and a line of towering American flags. Across the country, there were parties and prayer after Democrat Joe Biden won the presidency. In New York City, spontaneous block parties broke out Saturday. People ran out of their buildings, banging on pots. They danced and high-fived with strangers amid honking horns. Harris will become the first woman to hold national Prsidential.

Senate Balance Of Power

Clinton was the first woman to be a major party nominee for president. She won almost 3 million more votes than Trump but fell short in key battleground states to lose the Electoral College.

The Presidential Race Rages On By Donald

The Biden-Harris Pesidential was able to flip several of those states, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Biden clinched the White House with a victory in Pennsylvania, the state where he was born. He also won Nevada on Saturday. Biden clinched Nevada on Saturday afternoon, shortly after he won the presidency by taking Pennsylvania.

2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: LATEST NEWS AS US GOES TO POLLS Trump had made a strong play in Nevada, holding several rallies there in the final stretch of the campaign. Democrat Hillary Clinton narrowly won Nevada inand Republicans saw an opening to expand their electoral map. Nevada is also home to a large Hispanic population, a voting bloc that typically leans Democratic. The last Republican presidential candidate to win Nevada was George W.]

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