The Influence Of Periodization - remarkable
High-level athletes are always looking at ways to maximize training adaptations for competition performance, and using altered environmental conditions to achieve this outcome has become increasingly popular by elite athletes. Furthermore, a series of potential nutrition and hydration interventions may also optimize the adaptation to altered environments. Altitude training was first used to prepare for competition at altitude, and it still is today; however, more often now, elite athletes embark on a series of altitude training camps to try to improve sea-level performance. More recently, the use of heat training to improve exercise capacity in temperate environments has been investigated and appears to have positive outcomes. Athletes in the sport of track and field are often faced with training or competing in challenging environmental conditions. The Influence Of Periodization.The predominant responses to rising sea levels are in situ adaptations. However, increasing rates of sea-level rise will render ex situ adaptations—in the form of relocations—inevitable in some low-lying coastal zones. Particularly small island states like the Maldives face this significant adaptation challenge.

Here, government action is necessary to move vulnerable communities out of flood-prone areas. Yet, little empirical knowledge exists about the governance of relocations.
While the literature often highlights risks and benefits of relocations, it remains unclear how governments organized relocations and what drove relocation policy. Therefore, we examined Maldivian relocation policies from to to explain government support of relocations. For this, we used a qualitative continue reading design and extended the multiple streams approach with the theoretical lens of historical institutionalism. Interview data was complemented with a desk review of relevant laws, historical records, and policy documents.
We find 29 completed and 25 failed cases of relocations in the year period. Key drivers of relocation policies are focusing events, socioeconomic development, and institutionalized island autonomy. We find that relocations were predominantly initiated as means to facilitate economic development, not as The Influence Of Periodization response to rising seas or coastal risk. With current rapid economic development and strengthened democratic institutions, relocations are not considered as a policy option anymore. We conclude that implementing relocations proactively will face significant barriers in the future, which highlights the urgency The Influence Of Periodization successful in situ adaptations in the Maldives.
Low-lying coastal zones and small island states face a significant adaptation challenge due to rising sea levels.

Given the failure to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and the fact that sea levels will continue to rise for centuries due to the delayed response of the ocean to temperature increases Oppenheimer et al. The emerging literature on coastal retreat has mainly focused on community perspectives of coastal retreat.
Heat Acclimation/Acclimatization for Competition in the Heat
On the one hand, this includes describing the often-negative outcomes of relocation for communities. For example, Dannenberg et al. Birk supports these findings who studied retreat Periodizatio the Solomon Islands and argues that moving people into new locations could in fact create new vulnerabilities, e. On the other hand, this includes literature that has studied the motivations and preferences of communities with respect to retreat.
For example, Jamero et al. The public policy dimension of retreat, however, has hardly been studied. Generally, there is little empirical knowledge about what drove the design and content of retreat and relocation policies and which implications this has for adapting to sea-level The Influence Of Periodization. This constitutes a major limitation because government policies play a key role in facilitating retreat, by incentivizing individual migration or relocating people and assets out of vulnerable areas Hauer et al. For example, reasons for negative outcomes of relocations on the affected communities are often found in a lack of planning, regulatory void, and lack of government accountability, highlighting the important role for policy Dachary-Bernard et al.]
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