The Failure Of Parkour Fail -

The Failure Of Parkour Fail Video

Top 25 Parkour And Freerunning Fails

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Zachary Maller Parkour November 16, Mrs. Dunbar Parkour is a new and exciting sport that people are performing around the world. Parkour is a French word for "the art of movement. The objective of Parkour is getting from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Parkour is a combination of vaults. Auburn Parkour Club allows you to do. Founded in by Cody Robinson, the Auburn Parkour Club is an official Auburn affiliated club that trains in the athletic discipline of Parkour. The Failure Of Parkour Fail The Failure Of Parkour Fail

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You can run, but failure might find you anyways! See who wins and who does their best in parkour, boarding, and through obstacle courses. Wins VS. Share it with your friends!


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The Failure Of Parkour Fail

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