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Evaluation Of A Program For Students With

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As a leader in the field, it is essential to learn from the successes and challenges that others have encountered. Particularly with the design and evaluation of programs, many expensive and difficult lessons have already been discovered through previous endeavors. Moore, H. Designing and operationalizing a customized internal evaluation model for cancer treatment support programs, Journal Cancer Education, 29, — doi Redwood, D. A process evaluation of the Alaska Native colorectal cancer family outreach program. Robbins, L. Evaluation Of A Program For Students With.

To the Editor: To reduce the under-five mortality, an integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses IMNCI program was launched in India [ 12 ].

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The level of education and training imparted to health professionals during the pre-service period influences analytical approach during patient care [ 34 ]. In the B. COVID pandemic has made face-to-face teaching impractical, and education is largely imparted online.

Evaluation Of A Program For Students With

With this background, we decided to test the effectiveness of a 2-wk online, interactive training program Evaluatlon through a learning management system SARAL Student Advanced Resources And Learning in terms of knowledge gain and acceptability of program. The study was approved by Ethics committee. Training was imparted in small groups with facilitator: student ratio of — A knowledge questionnaire and semi-structured acceptability performa 10 items with 5-point Likert scale [strongly agree 5agree 4uncertain 3disagree 2 and strongly disagree 1 ] were used for data collection.

Evaluation Of A Program For Students With

The mean acceptability score of the students was Majority of students 60, In the present study actual hands-on clinical sessions could not be arranged for the students due to COVID pandemic. However, we tried to compensate for the clinical sessions by substituting with interactive videos covering history taking, assessing young Evaouation and children for signs of sickness, classifying them, preparing and administering medication at the clinic as part of pre-referral treatment and preparing a referral note etc. Single center study done on a small number of nursing students further limits the generalizability of the study findings.

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One of the essential requirements for online training programs is the availability Evalution a dedicated e-learning platform for the students. We recommend that colleges should equip themselves with e-learning platform in order to provide online interactive training to the students for essential module based courses such as IMNCI. World Health Organization.

Evaluation Of A Program For Students With

Child health profile: India.]

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