The Between Nature And Nature - apologise
Research has found evidence that spending time in nature provides protections against a startling range of diseases, including depression, diabetes, obesity, ADHD, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many more. How this exposure to green space leads to better health has remained a mystery. After reviewing hundreds of studies examining nature's effects on health, University of Illinois environment and behavior researcher Ming Kuo believes the answer lies in nature's ability to enhance the functioning of the body's immune system. She said it was remarkable to see how important a role the immune system plays in every one of the diseases that nature protects against. It's more like a multivitamin that provides us with all sorts of the nutrients we need. That's how nature can protect us from all these different kinds of diseases--cardiovascular, respiratory, mental health, musculoskeletal, etc. One way to understand this relationship between nature, health, and the immune system, Kuo explains, is that exposure to nature switches the body into "rest and digest" mode, which is the opposite of the "fight or flight" mode. The Between Nature And NatureMake A Night Of It
At this reading group we will read passages together out loud and share our experiences and thoughts about the nature s live in, what it means to us, and will discuss different ways of engaging with the world we inhabit.
Come The Between Nature And Nature join us with an open mind to read together, be inspired and gather around texts, thoughts and ideas. You are welcome to participate in the reading and discussion as much or as little as you wish! Note: As there is a limited capacity, if after confirming your attendance you find out that you are not able to connect, we ask Befween to be kind to others and to cancel as soon as possible. Ashkan Sepahvand et al.

I edited by E. Beirut: Sursock Museum summerp. Join us for a group reading and informal discussion on the writings of Pedro Neves Marques.

Image credit: Exterminator Seed, dir. Book now. Visit Digital Channel. Conversations about this event Add Comment Click here to cancel reply.]
I think, that anything serious.
And I have faced it. Let's discuss this question.