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The And Its Influence On The Brotherhood. The And Its Influence On The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood renounced violence in the s and earned popular support by providing social services such as pharmacies, hospitals, and schools. As part of a wide-ranging crackdown on Brotheehood opposition, the Egyptian government has labeled the group a terrorist organization, as have Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates UAE.

A History of Violence

President Donald J. Trump has expressed interest in following suitbut many experts say a designation—whether of the original Egyptian group or of kindred groups throughout the region—would stretch the bounds of the law and also complicate U. Political Movements. Demonstrations and Protests.

The And Its Influence On The Brotherhood

It has long combined preaching and political activism with social welfare to advance Influecne objective. The group earned legitimacy among its core constituency, the lower-middle class, as the most effective organized resistance against the British occupation of Egypt — The Muslim Brotherhood joined with the Free Officers, nationalist military leaders who sought to wrest Egypt from a British-backed monarchy.

The And Its Influence On The Brotherhood

Ina suspected member of the Brotherhood attempted to assassinate the leader of the Free Officers, Gamal Abdel Nasser. In response, thousands of suspected Brothers were imprisoned.

The And Its Influence On The Brotherhood

Though Nasser barred the group from government, the Brotherhood nevertheless became ubiquitous in society, building allegiance as Brotherhodo populist alternative to the Egyptian state, which provided neither prosperity nor welfare and suffered repeated military defeats by Israel. Among those arrested was a member of the Brotherhood named Sayyid Qutb, who developed a doctrine of armed struggle against the regime in Egypt and beyond while writing from prison. Extremist leaders often cite Qutb, who was hanged into argue that governments not based on sharia are apostate and therefore legitimate targets of jihad.

Sadat paid lip service to sharia and freed imprisoned Islamists.

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Although Egypt was not a democracy, it did hold parliamentary elections. Running as independents in the early s, Brotherhood candidates won still more seats, forming the largest opposition bloc. Battles over the drafting of a new constitution were a particular flash point.]

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