The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter -

The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter - sense


Consider: The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter

Earth Pollution 1 day ago · Birgitta Birgersdotter (), eventually better known as St Birgitta (or Bridget) of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over. 1 day ago · Birgitta Birgersdotter (), eventually better known as St Birgitta (or Bridget) of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over. 1 day ago · Birgitta Birgersdotter (), eventually better known as St Birgitta (or Bridget) of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over.
Statistics Report Effective Self Studying Time 1 day ago · Birgitta Birgersdotter (), eventually better known as St Birgitta (or Bridget) of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over. 1 day ago · Birgitta Birgersdotter (), eventually better known as St Birgitta (or Bridget) of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over. 1 day ago · Birgitta Birgersdotter (), eventually better known as St Birgitta (or Bridget) of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over.
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The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter

In the Swedish King Magnus Eriksson and Queen Blanche of Namur made their famous will, making careful arrangements forthe disposal of or mortal remains. In order to allow for such prospects of a future monastery on this location the king and queen made a remarkable donation, notably consisting of the large partly ruined buildings, normally referred to as the palace of the Folkungar dynasty.

Birgitta Birgersdotter, eventually better known as St Birgitta or Bridget of Sweden, had expressed a profound wish to establish a new religious order there, and it is possible that the king was familiar with this wish or that Birgitta had succeeded in winning him over. In fact, Birgitta had left Sweden already in and, since she died in Rome inshe never The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter the opportunity to see her long desired plans finally come true. The abbey at Vadstena, mother house of the Birgittine order, came to play a key role in the Swedish literary history of the later Middle Ages.

The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter

Pride of place, of course, belongs to the Revelations of St Birgitta. Birgitta received her first visions in the s and continued to do so during the rest of her life. The history of these Revelations, Brgitta remarkable circumstances of their genesis, the relation between the Latin and the Old Swedish versions and between different redactions, the prophetic voice and the voice of political agitation, all these issues have been debated for well over a century. It is probably not an exaggeration to claim that the corpus of the Revelations is the most important source for our understanding the religious and spiritual in translation of medieval Sweden. The period leading up to the The Achievements of Birgitta Bigersdotter of Birgitta in saw the production of many texts directly related to the cult of the future saint.

Well before the need for texts in the vernacular was beginning to make itself felt. Sermons composed by the priest brothers at Vadstena must not be forgotten. In fact, a not negligible number of sermon manuscripts, often attributed to specific preachers known from other sources, such as the Memorial Book of the abbey Diarium Vadstenensewere written during these first decades. Indeed, some of them were remarkably famous for their assiduous preaching. A vast number of sermons, still largely unexplored, survive from this period, composed by renowned preachers such as Johannes Suenonis senior d.]

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