The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between -

The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between - you

Shortly the delirious ovation rose to the level of an earthquake, to a veritable hurricane. Fidel or Giuliani? War against the U. That we launch missiles from Cuba?! Remove them our missiles as soon as possible! Before something terrible happens! I will show you! The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between

Fidel Castro was a Cuban dictator who used the guerilla warfare in to overthrow the Cuban leader Batista to become the prime minister of Cuba. During his tenure as the prime minister he established economic and covert military relations with the Soviet Union which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Inhe became the president of Consolidatoin.

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He was the third son in a family of six children including two brothers, Ramon and Raul, and three The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between, Augustina, Emma, and Angelita. Later when Fidel was 17, his father recognized him formally and his name was changed from Ruz to Castro. Fidel was brought up in a wealthy background amidst the impoverished conditions of the people of Cuba. He attended the private Jesuit boarding schools and was intellectually gifted, though he liked sports more than studies. He graduated in and progressed to the school of law in the University of Havana where he was exposed to the politics of Cuban nationalism, socialism, and anti-imperialism.

Fidel became more passionate and involved with social justice in He joined an expedition in Dominican Republic which was trying to overthrow the dictator of Cuba, Rafael Trujillo. Unfortunately, this failed before it even started.


When he returned to the University of Havana, he joined an anti-communist political party by the name Parti Ortodoxo, which was formed to reform corruption cases in the Cuban government. It was founded by a Cuban presidential candidate, Eduardo Chibas, who had lost the elections and its goals included social reforms, CCastros independence, and nationalism.

The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between

InChibas ran for presidency once more with the cause to expose the corruption in the government and warn Cuban people about the plan by former president, General Poower Batista, to return to power. This caused Chibas to shoot himself during a radio broadcast as a punishment for failing his people.

80 Fidel Castro Quotes About Life, Politics & Humanity

Castro married Mirta Diaz Balart in Together they bore one child by the name Fidelito. This marriage exposed Castro to more political connections and a wealthier lifestyle. He later vied for a parliamentary seat but a coup headed by General Fulgencio overthrew the government and annulled the elections.

The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between

The results of these events placed Castro in a lifestyle of little income and no legitimate political platform. He was unable to support his family eventually leading to the end of his marriage in General Batista made himself a dictator. Consolidqtion solidified his relationship with the Cuban economic elite and the military, making his government recognized by the U. Castro together with other members of the Ortodoxo party who failed to win the elections planned an insurrection. On the 26th of July inCastro, together with another supporters, attacked continue reading military barracks at Moncada in an attempt to overthrow Batista.

Unfortunately this coup failed, leading to the arrest of Castro.

Fidel Castro

He was tried and sentenced to prison for 15 years. In an amnesty deal was struck with Batista government and Castro was released. According to Guevara, the plight of the poor Latin America could only be rectified by the use of violent revolution. On December 2,Consolkdation went back to Cuba through the eastern city of Manzanillo with a boatload of 81 insurrectionists.

Within a short time, Batista captured or killed most of the rebels.]

The Consolidation of Fidel Castros Power Between

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