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ProPublica Illinois is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.

What is seclusion?

Sign up to get weekly updates about our work. Congressional Democrats introduced legislation Thursday that would make it illegal to put students in seclusion and would Seclusion And Restraints the use of physical restraint in schools that receive federal funds. The bill, called the Keeping All Students Safe Actwould enact a national ban on restraints Restrxints can restrict breathing, including prone restraint where students are held face down on the floor Seclusion And Restraints supine where they are held face up. Other restraints in the standing or seated positions could be used only when there is an immediate risk of serious physical harm. Under the bill, physical restraints could not be included as an option in written behavior and education plans for students with disabilities.

Seclusion And Restraints

More info would Seclusion And Restraints emphasize that restraints are to be used only in an emergency and when other efforts to work with children in crisis have failed. The legislation was motivated by differences among rules at the state level, with some states placing few if any restrictions on seclusion and restraint and many providing no oversight, said Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va. The investigation, cited by the lawmakers who introduced the legislation, also found that school employees sometimes physically restrained children not because there was an emergency but out of frustration or as punishment. Similar legislation has been passed in the House before Seclusion And Restraints failed to gain support in the Senate.

New federal datareleased last month, confirmed widespread use of seclusion and restraint in Illinois and across the country inthe most recent year for which data was collected.

What is restraint?

In Illinois, school employees reported using seclusion or restraint at least 23, times on at least 5, students. Nationally, more thanstudents were subjected to the practices.

Seclusion And Restraints

Other Midwestern states Rrstraints Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Indiana — also stood out among the most frequent users of these interventions, according to Seclusion And Restraints analysis of the federal data by the Tribune and ProPublica Illinois. Wisconsin secluded more students at school than any other state and was second only to Texas in the number of students restrained in the school year, the Seclusion And Restraints shows. Most of the children who were restrained or nationwide had disabilities. The data shows a disproportionate number of affected students were identified as Black and as boys.

Seclusion rooms are typically small and empty spaces, sometimes padded, that are meant to be used only in a safety emergency. Seclusion does not include times when a student chooses to take a break from Seclhsion to calm down or to a sensory room, a space with equipment and tools to help students regulate their emotions.

Disabilities advocates say putting children in Restraibts rooms is inhumane and causes lasting trauma, though some school officials say they need the option to educate students with significant behavioral challenges. This is a civil rights issue that should not have any geographic boundaries. The legislation would require states to have enough school workers Restranits are trained in state-approved programs that teach better ways to address crisis situations. It also would require that parents be notified the same day their child is restrained, followed by more detailed written notification and then a meeting within five days. States also would be required to click annually on their use of restraint.

The law would Seclusion And Restraints students who are subjected to seclusion or restraint in a way that violates the law to file a civil lawsuit against the school or program. The U. Department of Education would be required to investigate complaints and withhold payments to schools found in violation. The department also could award grant funding to help schools reduce the use of seclusion and Seclusion And Restraints. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. Illinois rules do not ban prone restraint, but the General Assembly plans to take up legislation in January that would prohibit it. The federal legislation also would prohibit the use of mechanical and chemical restraints.

Both already are outlawed in Illinois, but records obtained this week by ProPublica Illinois and the Chicago Tribune revealed how one suburban Andd education program still used mechanical restraints in a program for students with disabilities. The Mount Prospect-based Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization, which operates several schools and programs for about students, Seclusionn lap belts to restrain students and restrict them from taking part in classroom activities, according to an Illinois State Board of Education investigation. ISBE investigated the district after a complaint last December by an occupational therapist at one of the schools. The complaint alleged that a student was restrained with a lap belt on several days during lunch, art and morning circle time, upsetting the Seclusion And Restraints and causing him or her to kick and hit.

The student also was sent to timeout while in the lap belt after throwing food. The complaint was about that one student, but ISBE looked at how restraints were used districtwide.]

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