Overpopulation Is A Catastrophe Video
The Overpopulation Problem In The Future (2050)Overpopulation Is A Catastrophe - excited too
My message is clear: I recommend one child per couple to lower the population, avert future famines, and avoid wars over water. If that sounds radical, then maybe it is time for radicalism. In a culture that bemoans a falling fertility rate because it will damage the economy — instead of praising smaller families because it means less crowding, more nature and better quality of life for all — there is great need for more voices of sanity. Asking an animal to modify its behavior is a dicey proposition. It doesn't help matters that we live in a death denying culture. Birth control is unquestionably one of humanity's top ten inventions. As much as we all hate them, condoms almost deserve their own place in the top ten list. Can we have a trillion people on Earth. Overpopulation Is A CatastropheBasic Income is alternately referred to as a guaranteed annual income, citizen's income, citizen's dividend, social dividend, negative income tax, and others. For more see:. This is a community space for discussion and advocacy of Basic Income schemes, with four main goals:. Increase publicity and support for Basic Overpopulation Is A Catastrophe schemes, and explain their benefits. Talk about the specifics of how Basic Income should be implemented in different Overppopulation, and how potential problems can be overcome. Work to create political support and pressure for Basic Income, in support of local branches of the Basic Income Earth Networkand meetup groups. Build ties with local and distant supporters of this transnational movement. There are many ways to support Basic Income, click here to go to our Support wiki page for more info details.
Which may or may not be relevant to BI, see here for discussion of this topic.
Discussion After UBI - strategies to combat overpopulation? So, this is coming from a place of trying to address the second and third order consequences of UBI.
I advocate having a cap on the legal property rights human society will legally recognize or protect, after which point those rights should automatically divest, with divested rights going into a trust fund like the Alaska Permanent Fund, which could pay out dividends to citizens, like a UBI. This would be to Overpopulation Is A Catastrophe society what curing AIDS is to Overpopulation Is A Catastrophe human body - solving innumerable downstream problems caused by both unnecessary poverty and abusive plutocracy. So suppose that actually happens - people wouldn't have to unnecessarily compete for unnecessary property rights, and just as with the surplus food created after the development of Agriculture, after surplus wealth isn't being unnecessarily hoarded and wasted by institutional plutocracy, in theory human genius should be unleashed in ways we are not in a position to fully appreciate right now.
Under plutocracy, the limitation against having 5 or 10 or 15 kids has been that no one wants to be poor or have their kids grow up poor and impoverished. As a result, there would be additional ecological problems, issues regarding the carrying capacity for the planet, pollution issues, overfishing, congestion issues, etc.
And those problems would spawn their own problems and so forth.
Avoiding a Malthusian Catastrophe
Here is the super creepy Mouse Utopia experiment which I Catastgophe speaks to the need to address some of the issues of overpopulation:. We are not rabbits or mice, but that doesn't mean that an awful lot of people won't reproduce irresponsibly if they and their children are guaranteed a basic income.
So if UBI is enacted, or in order for it to garner broader appeal, it would behoove UBI advocates to have some excellent answers for these issues before they arise in argument or real life. Social ostracization for people having too many kids and would Catastropye still be effective if there are no real financial consequences?
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More education and would that still work in a UBI world, if the consequences for having kids would be different? Requiring some level of education Overpopulation Is A Catastrophe or subsidized or competence testing before people can receive UBI or have their kids receive UBI? I believe fleshing out a vision to address plutocracy Autodivestmentpoverty UBIand overpopulation??? Focusing on only one aspect could be a recipe for a different kind of disaster.
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Maybe rich and Cataztrophe people stop themselves from having so many kids so their children won't be poor? But with that limitation removed, then the prior situation does not hold, is my point. And the people who become wealthier because of UBI may not have developed the responsibility that would have kept them from having children they cannot afford.]
You not the expert, casually?
I apologise, but, in my opinion, there is other way of the decision of a question.
It be no point.
Yes, really. I agree with told all above. We can communicate on this theme.