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Brilliant: Osteoporosis And The Aging Population

Osteoporosis And The Aging Population 754
Osteoporosis And The Aging Population Jan 10,  · Cardiovascular (CV) disease and osteoporosis (OP) have become increasing challenges in the aging population and even more in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases, such as Cited by: 8. 3 days ago · Aging Osteoporosis And Dental Implants TEXT #1: Introduction Aging Osteoporosis And Dental Implants By Evan Hunter - Jul 22, ** Last Version Aging Osteoporosis And Dental Implants **, osteoporosis . 2 days ago · Osteoporosis increases the risk of bone fractures in older people, harming them as individuals and increasing the load on hospitals as the average age of the population rises. Finding .
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Osteoporosis And The Aging Population - you uneasy

Hip fractures increase exponentially beyond the seventh decade of life, as does the risk of their devastating consequences, which include functional decline, institutionalization, mortality, and destitution. Clinicians are often hesitant to start pharmacologic treatment in older adults, particularly those with multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy, and frailty. This reluctance stems in part from the concern that these patients with a shorter life expectancy may not experience the same risk-benefit profile as healthier adults when prescribed preventive therapies. Conflicts of interest comprise financial interests, activities, and relationships within the past 3 years including but not limited to employment, affiliation, grants or funding, consultancies, honoraria or payment, speaker's bureaus, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, donation of medical equipment, or patents planned, pending, or issued. If you have no conflicts of interest, check "No potential conflicts of interest" in the box below. The information will be posted with your response. Not all submitted comments are published. Please see our commenting policy for details. Coronavirus Resource Center. Osteoporosis And The Aging Population Osteoporosis And The Aging Population

Like many adult children, you fear a fall is the one thing that could drive Mom from home and rob her of an independent life.

Osteoporosis And The Aging Population

But she is refusing to use a walker or a cane around the house. What happens if she breaks a hip? According to the National Council on Agingfalls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans.


According to the National Osteoporosis Foundationosteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. If the disease is not prevented or if it is left untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks. These broken bones, also known as fractures, occur typically in the hip, spine, and wrist. Osteoporosis may be more common than you think. In fact, the National Osteoporosis Foundation found that one in two women and up to one in four men over the age of 50 Osteoporosis And The Aging Population break a bone due to osteoporosis. The disease, which is not a normal part of aging, is serious, causing broken bones, pain, suffering, and a life-altering loss of mobility.

A fall and the subsequent fracture could send an older adult down a Osteoporois slope, research reveals. A study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA found that women and men age 60 years or older who have a low-trauma osteoporotic fracture have an increased risk of death for the following five to 10 years, compared with the general population. And those who experience another fracture increase their risk of death further for an additional five years.

Osteoporosis And The Aging Population

Seniors age 75 and older face increased risk of death from even a minor fracture. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundationosteoporotic fractures represent a growing public health problem in both developed and developing countries, with a projected increasing incidence as the population ages. Bones become porous from osteoporosis as they lose protein, calcium, and other mineral content. In hTe more fragile state, bones break easily.

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Despite significant advances in science and medicine, the reality today is that: Between 12 to 20 percent of people die within one year following a hip fracture. It is estimated that 80 percent of those who are at high risk of osteoporosis, and have suffered at least one fracture, have neither been identified nor treated for the disease. And yet, this condition is preventable. There are a range more info drug treatments available for postmenopausal osteoporosis, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Different studies have consistently shown that, depending on the drug and the patient population, treatment reduces the risk of a vertebral fracture by percent and of non-vertebral fractures by percent. Both nutrition and exercise can help as well. Check out the following from the International Osteoporosis Foundation : Calcium supplementation has been shown Osteoporosis And The Aging Population have a positive effect on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women.


Calcium and vitamin D supplementation reduces rates of bone loss and also fracture rates in older male and female adults and in seniors. In institutionalized older women, this combined supplementation reduced hip fracture rates. Fruit and vegetable intake was positively associated with bone density in a study in men and women. The exact components of fruits and vegetables, which may confer a benefit to bone, are still to be clarified. Higher levels of leisure time, sports activity, and household Osteoporosis And The Aging Population and fewer hours of sitting daily were associated with Populatioon significantly reduced relative risk for hip fracture.]

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