Man Eaters of Tsavo -

Man Eaters of Tsavo Video

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Man Eaters of Tsavo - consider

Sitting inside a glass diorama at Chicago's Field Museum sit the stuffed bodies of two rather odd-looking lions. Although both males, they lack manes. Their faces seem too thin, their pelts look overly smooth for a large cat. One of them lies in repose, while the other stands ever-so-slightly at alert. The rather sedate display doesn't quite convey the history of these two animals. They are the infamous Tsavo man-eaters, two lions accused of killing and eating as many as men in Kenya in The stuff of legend, the deadly Tsavo lions were spoken about in whispers for decades and have since been dramatized in books, movies and even video games. Man Eaters of Tsavo

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Man Eaters of Tsavo

By Lt. Colonel J. Patterson, D. Add to Cart. Book Code ISBN Book Description Paper fault to last two pages, not affecting text, small remainder mark to bottom edge, slight use but a good paperback.

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Place Guilford, Connecticut. Details reprint. A classic of lion hunting in British East Africa. Patterson was appointed by the Foreign Office to supervise the construction of the Uganda Railway, connecting that colony and the Kenyan interior with the coast at Mombasa.

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The project was held up for some time by lions attacking and killing numerous employees of the company. This book largely consists of the author's account of dealing with the lions. The narrative includes much of interest on the construction of Maan railway itself, and numerous interesting observations of the country and its peoples.

Man Eaters of Tsavo

The Foreword is by F. Sign Up for Our Newsletter:. Paper fault to last two pages, not affecting text, small remainder mark to bottom edge, slight use but a good paperback.]

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