Iran Between Iran And The United States -

Iran Between Iran And The United States Video

Iranians Storm U.S. Embassy In Tehran - Flashback - NBC News

Iran Between Iran And The United States - very

Al Qaeda's second-in-command, accused of helping to mastermind the bombings of two U. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, who went by the nom de guerre Abu Muhammad al-Masri, was gunned down by two men on a motorcycle in the streets of Tehran on Aug. The killing of Masri, who was seen as a likely successor to al Qaeda's current leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was kept secret until now, the newspaper said. It was unclear what, if any, role the United States had in the killing of the Egyptian-born militant, the Times said. Al Qaeda has not announced his death, Iranian officials have covered it up and no government has publicly claimed responsibility, the Times said. Iran on Saturday denied the report, saying there were no al Qaeda "terrorists" on its soil. Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a statement that the United States and Israel sometimes "try to tie Iran to such groups by lying and leaking false information to the media in order to avoid responsibility for the criminal activities of this group and other terrorist groups in the region". Iran Between Iran And The United States Iran Between Iran And The United States

These events are part of a longer history of tensions between Iran and countries in the West.

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