Family Abuse And Child Abuse -

Family Abuse And Child Abuse Family Abuse And Child Abuse

Every year 58, children are sent for custody or unprotected visitation with dangerous abusers. In the last ten years, over of children were murderedmostly by abusive fathers the courts believed were safe. Few court professionals are aware of these shocking statistics so there is no effort to reform the broken system. Most custody cases are settled more or less amicably.

Family Abuse And Child Abuse

The problem is the 3. These are domestic violence cases in which the most dangerous abusers seek to manipulate courts to regain what they believe is their right to control their victims.


Overwhelmingly, the abusers are successful. The Saunders Study found there is now a substantial body of specialized domestic violence knowledge that could help courts recognize and respond to abuse cases. The courts rarely bother to consider this research. Repeatedly the court system responds to these preventable tragedies by defensively rushing to defend the judge. The mistakes that led to the tragedy are ignored or perhaps not even understood.

The Bartlow Study found judges in communities that suffered a child murder dismissed the tragedy as an exception.

Family Abuse And Child Abuse

ACE says that children exposed to domestic violence and child abuse will live shorter lives and suffer a lifetime of health and social problems. Most of the harm comes not from any immediate physical injuries but from living with the fear and stress abusers cause.

Childhood Trauma Affects Your Future Health

ACE establishes that one-quarter of the children in the United States will be sexually abused by the time they reach The methodology eliminated any possibility of false reports which is the myth that helps rapists and abusers get away with their heinous crimes. ACE goes to the essence of the best interests of a child. Without ACE, courts inevitably minimize reports of domestic violence and child abuse. The horrific frequency of child sexual abuse confirms the courts routinely disbelieve true reports.

Saunders demonstrates that most Family Abuse And Child Abuse, lawyers, and especially evaluators that the courts rely on do not have the necessary domestic violence knowledge. Saunders found court professionals need very specific information that includes screening for DV, risk assessment, post-separation violence, and the impact of DV on children. Professionals without this knowledge tend to focus on the myth that mothers frequently make false reports and unscientific alienation theories. This misinformation leads to recommendations and decisions that harm children. Without Saunders, courts routinely rely on the wrong professionals for abuse cases and so disbelieve true reports of abuse.

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Family Courts developed their response to domestic violence at a when no research was available. At the time popular assumptions suggested DV was caused by mental illness and substance abuse. This led courts to rely on mental health professionals who are experts in psychology and mental illness but not DV or child abuse.

Family Abuse And Child Abuse

Decades later, the judges and lawyers have spent their entire careers hearing misinformation that is now deeply ingrained. Expert witnesses are allowed to give their opinions and these are usually subjective opinions. This allows professionals to say whatever they believe or what supports their clients. Objective opinions based on credible research would be far more helpful. ACE and Saunders prove that many practices courts have relied on for decades are mistaken and lead to dangerous outcomes.

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Many protective mothers have walked into family courts Fmily help. They believed all they had to do was tell the judge what the abusive father was doing and their children would be protected. Https://, they were retraumatized by courts that fail to use the specialized body of knowledge that would help courts understand the case.

Domestic violence is about control, including financial control, so a cottage industry of lawyers and mental health professionals has developed to help wealthy abusers.]

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