Expansion Of United Nations Security Council - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Expansion Of United Nations Security Council Expansion Of United Nations Security Council

Increasing demolitions of Palestinian property — and the announcement of 1, new construction projects in East Jerusalem — are now the backdrop for a worrying spike in COVID cases in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the senior United Nations official for Middle East peace Expansion Of United Nations Security Council Counncil Security Council videoconference meeting Sedurity, while calling upon the parties concerned to cooperate urgently on health and economic matters. Temporary arrangements brokered by the United Nations and the World Health Organization WHO https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purdue-owl-research-paper/president-obama-should-not-be-satisfied-until.php facilitating the transfer of medical patients out of Gaza and the import of humanitarian supplies, he continued. Reiterating his call for Israel to cease such actions, he went on to report that sporadic violent incidents unfortunately continued throughout the period under review.

Militants in Gaza fired two rockets and released incendiary balloons towards Israel, though no injuries were reported. One Palestinian was killed and 21 were injured — and one Israeli soldier was wounded — in clashes, attacks as well as search-and-arrest operations, he said.

Expansion Of United Nations Security Council

Palestinians perpetrated 23 attacks against Israeli settlers and other civilians in the occupied West Bank, resulting in injuries and damage to property. For the first time, the Agency finds itself unable to pay salaries and expenses in full, impacting 28, staff. The international community should urgently step up its support, he stressed.

He went on to underline the responsibility borne by both Israeli and Palestinian leaders to explore every opening that Expanwion restore hope in a two-State solution. Several speakers expressed alarm over the rapid increase in home demolitions in the occupied West Bank — as well as outrage over the resulting displacement of civilians on the brink of a pandemic Natoins — while calling upon Israel to cease its unilateral actions.

Others spotlighted the diplomatic normalization sweeping across the region, urging the parties to seize upon that momentum and return to the negotiating table in the spirit of Dr. Citing the see more humanitarian situation in the West Bank and Gaza, she pointed out that despite repeated international calls for a cessation of all settlement activities, Israel continues to methodically plan, tender and build new settlements, and to expand existing ones. Its recent announcement of new construction tenders for 1, new structures in Givat Hamatos are of particular concern. Against that backdrop, she underscored the importance of dialogue and expressed support for an international peace conference inas proposed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Meanwhile, Hamas must permanently Expansion Of United Nations Security Council its attacks against Israel, he stressed.

He went Uinted to state that the recent diplomatic normalization agreements demonstrate that Israel and the Arab world can move forward in a more peaceful way, expressing hope that Israeli and Palestinian officials will re-launch talks.


Calling attention to the absence of construction permits often used by Israel as a pretext to carry out such operations, he pointed out that the Government almost never grants permits to Palestinian applicants. Expressing deep concern over the deteriorating https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/culture-and-selfaeesteem/aerial-refueling-and-rapid-global-mobility-vision.php situation in Gaza, Seucrity noted the spread of COVID, now standing at thousands of cases, and the fragile health system struggling to respond. Stressing the right of Palestinian children to education, she called upon the Israeli authorities to protect 52 schools in the occupied West Bank at risk of demolition.

Expansion Of United Nations Security Council

She also called upon Palestinian factions to engage in good-faith efforts to reunify Gaza and the West Bank under a single legitimate authority https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/work-experience-programme/differences-between-christianity-and-christianity.php to organize democratic elections in the Palestinian territories. She went on to stress the need for strong political and financial support for UNRWA in light of its important role not only for Palestinians, but also for a two-State solution. Both sides should seize the positive momentum from recent diplomatic dynamics in the broader region and return to a Expanskon of meaningful negotiations on all final-status issues, while rejecting terrorism, provocative acts and inflammatory rhetoric, he urged.

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He called upon the Middle East Quartet United Nations, United States, Russian Federation, European Union to strengthen its engagement with key regional stakeholders, while welcoming Expansion Of United Nations Security Council resumption of contacts between the Palestinian and Israeli leaderships. All Unitex should uphold their obligations in line with earlier agreements and abstain from aggressive rhetoric and actions, he said, citing both the construction of new settlements and the launching of rocket fire from Palestine into Israel. He went on to call for real dialogue addressing the aspirations and concerns of both parties and welcomed news reports that the Palestinian Authority and Israel will resume ties on the basis of here agreements.

For its part, the Council must work hard and in unity so that the strong and resilient people of the Middle East can experience peace as the rule, with conflict as the exception, he said.

Expansion Of United Nations Security Council

Describing the recent easing of tensions as encouraging, he read more agreed with other speakers that the demolition of Palestinian structures in the West Bank is weakening prospects for a two-State solution. The parties must refrain from actions and statements that could make dialogue more difficult, he said, calling also for the lifting of the Gaza blockade and for an end to restrictions, attacks and intimidation aimed at Palestinian farmers during olive harvest season. Welcoming the announced resumption of cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, he said the elections announced by President Abbas in September must not be postponed again. He joined others in calling for the immediate lifting of the blockade of Gaza — highlighting the immense suffering it has caused for 14 years — while echoing calls for the re-launch of negotiations and Expansion Of United Nations Security Council the holding of the international conference proposed by President Abbas.

In that regard, he said, Indonesia supports the convening of an international peace conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the resumption of talks involving all relevant parties. Turning to UNRWA, he appealed to the international community to match its political commitment to the Agency with sufficient and predictable financial contributions.]

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