Cultural Impacts Of Globalization -

Cultural Impacts Of Globalization - final

The cultural globalization it is the unification of various customs belonging to different communities. The term refers to the modifications experienced by different ways of life of different peoples. Due to cultural globalization, the customs, traditions and artistic expressions of different parts of the world have been adapting to the changes that have arisen from it. The basis of this phenomenon is associated with the media, through which the cultures and customs of various countries merge. Along these lines, thanks to globalization and the massiveness of the communication media, different societies become interconnected, either by generating links and giving rise to a unity between them, or by underlining their diversity. Cultural Impacts Of Globalization Cultural Impacts Of Globalization

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Western Ideals

Globalization is not easily defined. For some, it is a positive process leading to shared social values worldwide. For others, the term has a negative meaning, and critics see it as marginalizing less-dominant cultures, particularly those in the developing world.

Cultural Impacts Of Globalization

Some critics refer to it as the "McDonaldization" of culture because of global advertising campaigns that undermine cultural diversity. Insinuating Western Impatcs on other societies diminishes global economic development and hampers the expression of individual cultural identity.

Large multinational companies promote their products globally, and brands like Coca-Cola, KFC and Nike are prevalent across the world.

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The negative effect of global marketing is that local companies are edged out of the market and the multinational companies impose American or European trends on other cultures. Similarly, the fast food industry promotes values of Cognitive Dissonance efficiency. As a result, traditional cuisine appears less cost-effective and profitable than fast food, causing traditional food outlets to lose the opportunity to flourish, or even exist. Another criticism is that Western nations, particularly the United States, impose cultural values on others through media and popular culture.

Critics of globalization call this "cultural imperialism" because the West promotes its culture as having more worth, or Cultural Impacts Of Globalization more correct, than other regions' cultural values. The domination Cultural Impacts Of Globalization news media and Internet services by Western companies helps maintain this influence over local views.

Similarly, Western nations are less likely to celebrate other cultural values and this further minimizes the importance of other cultures.

Cultural Impacts Of Globalization

Language is a key expression of cultural diversity. Critics of globalization claim it marginalizes some languages and may even cause some languages to die out.

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Others say this is a myth. English as become the dominant language, across the world. Certainly, English is widely used as a second or third language, which helps the globalization of business trade; however, if business communities see more benefits in speaking Spanish or Chinese, they learn those instead.]

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