Analysis Of Am I A Good Man -

Analysis Of Am I A Good Man - any case

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Analysis Of Am I A Good Man - are

Francis uttered the line on July 29, , four months into his pontificate, when he was asked en route home from his first papal trip about reports of a sexually active gay priest whom he had just promoted. The priest was not alleged to have been a serial sexual predator. But Francis' point was: If someone violated the church's teaching on sexual morals in the past but had sought forgiveness from God, who was he to pass judgment? A handful of priests, bishops and cardinals whom Francis has trusted over the years have turned out to be either accused of sexual misconduct or convicted of it, or of having covered it up. Francis ultimately defrocked McCarrick last year after a Vatican investigation determined he sexually abused children as well as adults.

Francis uttered the line on July 29,four months into his pontificate, when he was asked en route home from his first papal trip about reports of a sexually active gay priest whom he had just promoted. The priest was not alleged to have been a serial sexual predator. But Francis' point was: If someone violated the church's teaching on sexual morals in the past but had sought forgiveness from God, who was he to pass judgment? Analysiw

Analysis Of Am I A Good Man

But Francis' broader tendency to blindly trust his friends, disregard their private lives and resist judging them has created problems seven years later. A handful of priests, bishops and cardinals whom Francis has over the years have turned out to be either accused of sexual misconduct or convicted of it, or of having covered it up. The Vatican report spared Francis blame for McCarrick's rise in the hierarchy, faulting instead his predecessors for having failed to recognize, investigate or effectively sanction McCarrick over consistent reports that he invited seminarians click here his bed.

Francis ultimately defrocked McCarrick last year after a Vatican investigation determined he sexually abused children as well as adults. Francis commissioned the more in-depth probe after a former Vatican ambassador alleged in that some two dozen church officials were aware of McCarrick's sexual misconduct with adult seminarians but covered it up for two decades. Analysis Of Am I A Good Man perhaps not surprising that an in-house investigation commissioned by Francis and ordered published by him would largely give him a pass.

But it's also true that the most egregious failures related to the McCarrick scandal occurred well before Francis became pope. But the report does point to problems that have come to haunt Francis during his papacy, exacerbating his initial blind spot on clergy sexual abuse that he only corrected in after he realized he had botched a serious case of abuse and cover-up in Chile. Like many leaders, Francis abhors gossip, distrusts the media and tends to follow his gut, finding it exceedingly difficult to shift gears once he has formed a positive personal opinion about someone, his collaborators say. Francis knew McCarrick from before he was pope and probably knew that the charismatic and well-connected prelate had had a hand in his election as one of several "kingmakers" who supported him Analysis Of Am I A Good Man the sidelines. McCarrick himself didn't vote since he was over 80 and ineligible.

Analysis Of Am I A Good Man

McCarrick told a conference at Villanova University in late that he considered the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio a "friend" and had pressed for a Latin American pope during the closed-door meetings that preceded the conclave. McCarrick twice visited Bergoglio in Argentina, in andread more he traveled there to ordain priests from the Argentine-based religious community, the Institute of the Incarnate Word, that he called home in Washington. McCarrick told the Villanova conference that he had been persuaded to spread the word to consider Bergoglio a possible papal candidate after an unidentified, "influential" Roman told him that Bergoglio could reform the church in five years and "put us back on target.

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Vigano claimed that Francis had lifted "sanctions" imposed by Pope Analysis Of Am I A Good Man XVI on McCarrick even after Vigano told Francis in that the American had "corrupted generations of priests and seminarians. The report said no such lifting occurred, and actually accused Vigano of being part of the cover-up. It also suggested that inVigano was far more concerned about persuading Francis to bring him back to Rome from his in Washington to help with Francis' anti-corruption effort at the Vatican than in finally bringing McCarrick to justice.

While the report spares Francis in McCarrick's case, he doesn't get off so easily in other cases in which he had a direct decision-making role in how allegations of abuse of minors and adults were handled. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Francis is believed to have discounted rumors of sex abuse and cover-up in neighboring Chile surrounding the popular priest Fernando Karadima, because the bulk of the accusers were over 17, and therefore technically adults in the church's canon law system. As such, they were considered consenting adults engaging in sinful but illegal behavior with Karadima.

While head of Argentina's bishops conference, Francis in commissioned a four-volume forensic study of the legal case against the Rev. Julio Grassi, a celebrity priest who ran homes for street children and had been criminally convicted of sexually abusing one of them.

Analysis Of Am I A Good Man

Bergoglio's study, which purportedly ended up on the desks of some Argentine court justices who were ruling on Grassi's appeals, concluded he was innocent, that his victims were lying and that the case never should have gone to trial. In the end, Argentina's Analywis Court in March upheld the conviction and year prison sentence for Grassi.

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The status of Grassi's canonical investigation in Rome is unknown. More recently, Bergoglio allowed one of his proteges in Argentina, Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, to resign quietly for purported health reasons in after priests in the remote northern Argentine diocese of Oran complained about his authoritarian rule and diocesan officials provided reports to the Vatican alleging abuses of power, inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment of adult seminarians. In the cases of Grassi and Zanchetta, Bergoglio was a confessor to both men, suggesting he may have been swayed in his judgment by his role as their spiritual father.]

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