Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5 -

Well understand: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5 - opinion you

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The debate of Android vs IOS has been going on for a while. With Android users claiming that Android phones have a much better user interface and better specifications and IOS users claiming that IOS is much superior and refusing to give an Android a try, this is an ongoing battle. One of the biggest advantages of Android phones over IOS Diasdvantages the range of prices. Android is more inclusive in that it has several options for every type of budget whereas IOS is more exclusive and only fit certain budgets.

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At a price than an IOS, users can have a true smartphone experience and for anyone who is willing to spend a lot more, there are still options for that person with a slightly better experience.

The affordability that Android phones provide has been a big Dizadvantages as to why there are a lot of Android users and it continues to be so.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5

Another big advantage an Android has over IOS is the customization. Android allows its users to pick their own levels of customization. Apple prefers to maintain the same level of software and hardware experience by taking control of default apps.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5

Recently, iOS Android phones allow third-party launchers that have the ability of changing the phone to look completely different. This customization ranges from simple things like live wallpapers, adding widgets and shortcuts to more pIhone things like custom ROM installs. If having a phone tailored to your liking is important to you, an Android is the better choice.

Another major reason why an Android phone has an advantage over an iOS is the cloud services it offers.

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Google offers 15GB of free storage on the cloud and has cross-platform support. It essentially does the same things as Google Assistant but while Siri can only do straightforward tasks like searching the web, making calls or setting calendar appointments, Google Assistant has an extra layer to it. It has Advantahes more conversational side that can provide contextual information and entertaining games based on what the user is doing. In simple terms, it is more versatile and smarter than Siri. Siri shortcuts that were added to iOS12 allow the Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5 some form of easier control and Siri now also makes more suggestions based on the iPhone usage. This is a big step but right now, Google Assistant can do a lot more like call screening and can make reservations for the user. It is progressing and improving at a faster rate than Siri.

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Another advantage of using an Android phone over an iOS is the flexibility of an Android charger. On the other hand, most Androids these days now use USB-C cable which is much more modern and versatile. For anyone that travels a lot, or goes places where you will need a cable, it is much easier to carry one cable that works with almost every device that is non-Apple. Another big thing with Androids is the headphone jack.]

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iphone 5

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