What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel - amazonia.fiocruz.br

What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel Video

How energy storage will kill fossil fuel. What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel

Sunset and calm weather are real things, but those troublesome facts are merrily glossed over by the crowd that tell us that coal, oil and gas are all doomed at the hand of sunshine and breezes. Massaging figures that literally turn night into day, has allowed outfits like the International Energy Agency to make increasingly wild and ludicrous claims about the contribution made to global energy demand by wind and solar.

Every year it tries to spin a bright future for wind and solar by using upbeat language, dodgy statistics, and fantasy scenarios.

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And every year the mainstream media swallows it. The WEO peddles the line that since demand for fossil fuels is down more than demand for wind and solar, this might mean that wind and solar are gaining market ground. The impacts vary by fuel. The estimated falls of eight per cent in oil demand and seven per cent in coal use stand in sharp contrast to a slight rise in the contribution of renewables. The IEA party line was dutifully regurgitated by the mainstream media. The contribution of solar to What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel energy demand is 0. None of these climate crusaders had apparently read the report or What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel for details. So, what proportion of electricity generation did solar account for in after that transformative fold increase? Two per cent.

And since electricity takes up only around a fifth of primary energy demand, the contribution of solar to primary energy demand is 0. According to the IEA, eight per cent — but that still amounts to only a two per cent share of primary energy demand. The world will still be overwhelmingly fossil-fuelled in The proportion of oil and gas will be up a bit and that of coal down a bit, but together the three will still account for 76 per cent of primary energy versus 80 per cent last year.

What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel

Coal will still be responsible for 28 per cent of electricity generation — three and a half times as much as solar — and it will be contributing 10 times as much as solar to primary energy demand. And emissions will still be at levels threatening climate Armageddon, at least if you believe worst-case scenarios. More cycling, Whaf flying.

More cold in winter, more heat in summer. Needless to say, the scenarios simply assume away the inevitable damage to growth and jobs, not to mention freedom, from such socialist masterplans.

What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel

One of the most frightening aspects of the report is the suggestion that fossil fuels will have to be, not just wound down, but closed down. The route to destruction suggested is defunding via pressure on the finance industry.

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Financial Post. We are a group of citizens concerned about the rapid spread of industrial wind power generation installations across Australia. One thing which is causing more environmental degradation due to the inability to re-use much of the dangerous metals, plastics etc they are made from are batteries. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a new cooker which is not all or part electrically operated.

What Can Replace Conventional Fossil Fuel

It is profoundly odd that the energy suppliers are being coerced by the Green Movement to invest in Wat which does NOT produce energy and in fact consumes it. Dancing around that fact by clothing the so called intermittent renewables in very expensive and attractive apparel will achieve little. Eventually the Emperor will be revealed in nakedness. Wind and solar can only produce electricity, and intermittent electricity at best. They CANNOT manufacture the oil derivatives that are the basis of more than 6, products that are the basis on daily lives and the worldwide economy.

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