World Literature And Composition B1 - excellent
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Literature broadly is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, dramaand poetry. Literature, as an art form, can also include works in various non-fiction genres, such as autobiographydiariesmemoirlettersand the essay.
Within its broad definition, literature includes non-fictional books, articles or other printed information on a particular subject.
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Literature Abd classified according to whether it is poetry, prose or drama, and such works are categorized according to historical periods, or their adherence to certain aesthetic features, or genre. Definitions of literature have varied over time. World Literature And Composition B1 word is also used in reference non-written works: to " oral literature " and "the literature of preliterate culture". A value judgment definition of literature considers it as consisting solely of high quality writing that forms part of the belles-lettres "fine writing" tradition.
Alternatives such as "oral forms" and "oral genres" have been suggested. Oral literature is an ancient human tradition found in "all corners of the world". The Judeo-Christian Bible reveals World Literature And Composition B1 oral traditional roots; medieval European manuscripts are Radio Free Dixie by performing scribes; geometric vases from archaic Greece mirror Homer's oral style.
Indeed, if these final decades of the millennium have taught us anything, Composihion must be that oral tradition never was the other we accused Anf of being; it never go here the primitive, preliminary technology of communication we thought it to be. Rather, if the whole truth is told, oral tradition stands out as the single most Worrld communicative technology of our species as both a historical fact and, in many areas still, a contemporary reality. The earliest poetry is believed to have been recited or sung, employed as a way of remembering historygenealogyand law. In Asia, the transmission of folklore, mythologies as well as scriptures in ancient India, in different Indian religions, was by oral tradition, preserved with precision with the help of elaborate mnemonic techniques.
The early Buddhist texts are also generally believed to be of oral tradition, with the first by comparing inconsistencies in the transmitted versions of literature from various oral societies such as the Greek, Serbia and other cultures, then noting that the Vedic literature is too consistent and vast to have been composed and transmitted orally across generations, without being down. Australian World Literature And Composition B1 culture has thrived on oral traditions and oral histories passed down through thousands of years. In a study published in Februarynew evidence showed that both Budj Bim and Tower Hill volcanoes erupted between 34, and 40, years ago.
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All ancient Greek literature was to some degree oral in nature, and the earliest literature was completely so. Writing systems are not known to have existed among Native North Americans before Compositin with Europeans. Oral storytelling traditions flourished in a context without the use of writing to record and preserve history, scientific knowledge, and social practices. Plots often reflect real life situations and may be aimed at particular people known by the story's audience. In this way, social pressure could be exerted without directly causing World Literature And Composition B1 or social exclusion.
See also African literature Oral literature. Oratory or the art of public speaking "was for long considered a literary art". Around the 4th millennium BC, the complexity of trade and administration in Mesopotamia outgrew human memory, and writing became a more dependable method of recording and presenting transactions in a permanent form. Subsequent innovations included more uniform, predictable, legal systemssacred textsand the origins of modern practices of scientific inquiry and knowledge-consolidationall largely reliant on portable and easily reproducible forms of writing.
Ancient Egyptian literature[31] along with Sumerian World Literature And Composition B1are considered the world's oldest more info. Many works of early periods, even in narrative form, had a covert moral or didactic purpose, such as the Sanskrit Panchatantra. Lyric poetry as opposed to epic poetry was often Comosition speciality of courts and aristocratic circles, particularly in East Asia where songs were collected by the Chinese aristocracy as poems, the most notable being the Shijing or Book of Songs —c. In ancient Chinaearly literature was primarily focused on philosophy, historiographymilitary scienceagriculture, and poetry. China, the origin of modern paper making and woodblock printingproduced the world's first print cultures. Sun Tzu 's The Art of Warc. Sima Qian 's Records of the Grand Historianc. Ancient Chinese literature had a heavy emphasis on historiography, with often very detailed Litreature records.

An exemplary piece of narrative history of ancient China was the Zuo Zhuanwhich was compiled no later than BC, and attributed to the blind 5th-century BC historian Zuo Qiuming.]
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