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What Is Social History

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What is Social History%3F Part 1 What Is Social History

Social historyoften called the new social history, is a field of history that looks at the lived experience of the past.

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In its "golden age" it was a major growth field in the s and s among scholars, and still is well represented What Is Social History history departments in Britain, Canada, France, Germany, and the United States. The older social history before included numerous topics that were not part of the mainstream historiography of political, military, diplomatic and constitutional history. It was a hodgepodge without a central theme, and it often included political movements, such as Populismthat were "social" in the sense of being outside the elite system.

What Is Social History

Social history was contrasted with political historyintellectual history and the history of great men. English historian G. Trevelyan saw it as the bridging point between economic and political history, reflecting that, "Without social history, What Is Social History history is barren and political history unintelligible. The "new social history" What Is Social History on the scene in the s, emerging in the UK, to quickly become one of the dominant styles of historiography in the US, Britain and Canada. It drew on developments within the French Annales Schoolwas very well organized and dominated French historiography, and influenced much of Europe and Latin America. In this regard it stood in contrast to political or economic history. The second meaning was broader, and the Germans called it "Gesellschaftsgeschichte. In Germany the "Gesellschaftsgeschichte" movement introduced a vast range of topics, as Kocka, a leader of the Bielefeld School recalls:.

The Social Science History Here was formed in to bring together scholars from numerous disciplines interested in social history. It is still active and publishes Social Science History quarterly.

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Most of the major historical journals have coverage as well. However, after social history was increasingly challenged by cultural historywhich emphasizes language and the importance of beliefs and assumptions and their causal role in group behavior. What Is Social History study of the lives of ordinary people was revolutionized in the s by the introduction of sophisticated quantitative and demographic methods, often using individual data from the census and from local registers of Histort, marriages, deaths and taxes, as well as theoretical models from sociology such as social mobility.

Historical demography is the study of population history and demographic processes, usually using census or similar statistical data. It became an important specialty inside social history, with strong connections with the larger field of demographyas in the study of the Demographic Transition.

Since it has sponsored Black History Month every February. Ethnic history is especially important in the US and Canada, where major encyclopedias helped define the field. What Is Social History historydeals with labor unions and the social history of workers. Kirk surveys labour historiography in Britain since the formation of the Society for the Study of Labour History in He reports that labour history has been mostly pragmatic, eclectic and empirical; it has played an important role in historiographical debates, such as those revolving around history from below, institutionalism versus the social history of labour, class, populism, gender, language, postmodernism and the turn to politics.


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Kirk rejects suggestions that the field is declining, and stresses its innovation, modification and renewal. Kirk also detects a move into conservative insularity and academicism. He recommends a more extensive and critical engagement with the kinds Socizl comparative, transnational and global concerns increasingly popular among labour historians elsewhere, and calls for a revival of public and political interest in the topics. Women's history exploded into prominence in the s, [27] and is now well represented in every geographical topic; increasingly it includes gender history.

What Is Social History

What Is Social History

Feminist women's historians have critiqued early studies of social history for being too focused on the male experience. Gender history focuses on the categories, discourses and experiences of femininity and masculinity as they develop over time.]

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