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American Romanticism and Transcendentalism Transcendentalism

The Transcendentalism of some ministers and congregations in Boston and eastern Massachusetts to key doctrines of Calvinism started to divide the New England Transcendentalism churches during the mids. Calvinism centered on the doctrines of John Calvin whose Transcendentalism emphasized Transcendentalism absolute nature of sovereignty of God and the certainty of human depravity Robinson. The religious divisions became significant because they resulted to the establishment of a religious liberalism Transcendentqlism that eventually called Unitarianism Robinson.

The Unitarianism movement became the center of various well-established churches in Boston and at Harvard College. It allowed the liberals to achieve cultural and intellectual influence that exceeded their small numbers and played a significant role in the formation of a powerful American liberal tradition in literature, education, politics, and the arts Robinson. The political and literary movement Transcendentalism transcendentalism was formed in the s and s because of the movement of liberal theology in Boston Robinson. The goal of Transcendenalism Unitarianism was to spread its message of human capability and positive spiritual development even though it continued to be in conflict with its Calvinist opponents Robinson.

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However, several younger Unitarian ministers started to take a different approach to the problem concerning religious knowledge, including Ralph Waldo Emerson Robinson. Go here suggested a theory of religion based on intuition instead of empirical evidence, which explains that the religious sentiment is deeply rooted into the nature of mind itself Robinson.

He insisted the relation between mind and nature because both were instruments of a divine energy that formed reality and provided value and significance Robinson. The transcendentalist philosophy of Emerson is a religion of the spiritually liberated heart and mind, unbounded by party Transcendentalism church Erickson viii. His religion is described as a metaphysical idealism in which the material universe is only the appearance of underlying divine unity expressed in various individuals Ericson x.

Emerson and Thoreau played an important role in the emergence of New England Transcendentalism by representing it in the United States. Transccendentalism reflected Transcendentalism the dual identity of Trxnscendentalism as a poet-seer and a skillfull and grounded realist Robinson. Thoreau became the original literary voice in a significant tradition of environmental writing and Transcenentalism nature Robinson.

His writings Transcendentalism the s and s Transcendentalism on the enhancement Transcendentalism the environmental ethic during that time Robinson. According to Reuben, the basic premises of Transcendentalism are that: an individual is the spiritual center of the universe, acceptance of the neo-Platonic conception of nature as a living mystery, similarity between the structure of the universe and the structure of the individual self, and the belief that individual virtue and happiness rely Transcendentalism self-realization.

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The author also mentions the Transcendentalism behind the emergence of American Transcendentalism, which include the continuous decline in Calvinism, the impact of science and technology on the advancement of secularization of modern thought, the rise of a Unitarian intellectual elite with the means and training to continue literature Transcendentalism scholarship, the growing irrelevance of liberal religion, the effect of European ideas on Americans traveling abroad, and the appearance of talented individuals such as Emerson, Fuller and Thoreau on the scene.

Transcendentalism became Transcendentalism ethical guide to positive life and focused on the positive side of human nature. The transcendentalists played an important role in giving American culture Transcendentalism first distinctive voice in literature, bringing artistic undertaking and aesthetic appreciation in culture and providing advancement on several issues such as the cause of social justice and human rights Robinson. Delivering a high-quality product at a reasonable price is not enough anymore. This describes us perfectly. Make sure that this guarantee is totally transparent. Each paper Transcendentalism composed from scratch, according to your instructions.


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