The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer -

The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer

The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer - consider, that

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The residents of Gotham are running scared, hiding inside their homes due to martial law and making sure they're not caught out after curfew. After all, the robotic Cybers are all too eager to kill people they perceive to be masks, even for the slightest infraction.

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While it seems like Tim "Jace" Fox is helping out innocent citizens as the new Batman on the block in Future State: The Next Batman 3, he gets betrayed by people who best sum up the state of mind of the perilous city right now. The Dark Kiler ends up finding a man, Eric, and his wife after they beat a man named Lou to death. But Jace quickly discovers they're vigilantes, not serial killers as Lou was a predator who preyed on their daughter.

The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer

They didn't find a body, though, so they assumed he killed her, with their attack being planned by someone on the dark web for a fee. Jace is shocked to hear this because they played judge, jury and executioner rashly without confirming what happened to the girl. Still, he empathizes with them to a point. Still, he knows it's just a matter of time before the couple's found so Jace decides Midn call Detective Chubb for help.

She's one of the last good cops around, evoking the likes of Jim Gordon, Renee Montoya and Harvey Bullock, but she still has to toe the line. Chubb wants Batman to turn himself in, but he's adamant that she just deal with the couple, with at least some leniency. They work out a deal outside of the Peacekeepers, but just as Jace hangs up the burner phone, he's ambushed by Eric with a piece of wood. He's then strangled as Eric feels like he's betraying them, selling them out to law enforcement without consulting them. More importantly, Eric knows they'll be caught so he's hoping they could catch a break if he kills the Caped Crusader. This deeply cynical moment typifies Gothamites right now, as they're running around scared, hopeless and selfish, doing whatever they can to survive. Their emotions and passions are boiling over, and as Eric proves, they can't be trusted.

They're all on edge and Tbe willing to sell each other out if it promises a better tomorrow in a bleak world under this The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer era of law enforcement. I'm a former Chemical The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer. It was boring so I decided to x about things I love. On the geek side of things, I write about comics, cartoons, video games, television, movies and basically, all things nerdy. I also write about music in terms of punk, indie, hardcore and emo because well, they rock! And yes, I've written sports for them too!

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Not bad for someone from the Caribbean, eh? To top all this off, I've scribed short films and documentaries, conceptualizing stories and scripts from a human interest and social justice perspective. Business-wise, I make big cheddar not really as a copywriter and digital strategist working with some of the top brands in the Latin America region. In closing, let me remind you that the geek shall inherit the Earth. By Renaldo Matadeen 2 days ago. Share Share Tweet Email 0.

The Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer

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