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The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition. The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition

The Woman's Prihibition Temperance Union WCTU is an active international temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity. The organization supported the 18th Amendment and was also influential in social reform issues that came to prominence in the progressive era.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union conducts a White Ribbon Recruit WRR ceremony, in which babies are dedicated to the Scarface And Hamlet of temperance through a white ribbon being tied to their wrists, with their adult sponsors pledging to help the child live a life free from alcohol and other drugs. At its founding inthe stated purpose of the WCTU was to create a "sober and pure world" by abstinence, purity, and evangelical Christianity.

Frances Willarda noted feminist, was elected the WCTU's second president in and Willard grew the organization to be the largest organization of women in the world by She remained president until her death in Its members were inspired by the Greek writer Xenophonwho defined temperance as "moderation in all things healthful; total abstinence from all things harmful. The WCTU perceived alcohol as a cause and consequence of larger social problems rather than as a personal weakness or failing.

The WCTU also advocated against tobacco. Agitation against tobacco continued through to the s. As a consequence of its stated purposes, the WCTU was also very interested in a number of social reform issues, including labor, prostitutionpublic healthsanitation, The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition international peace.

The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition

As the movement grew in numbers and strength, members of the WCTU also focused on link. The WCTU was instrumental in organizing woman's suffrage leaders and in helping more women become involved in American politics. Local chapters, known as "unions", were largely autonomous, though linked to state and national headquarters.

The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition

Willard pushed for the "Home Protection" ballot, arguing that women, being the morally superior sex, needed the vote in order to act as "citizen-mothers" and protect their homes and cure society's ills. At a time when suffragists were viewed as radicals and alienated Psoitive American women, the WCTU offered a more traditionally feminine and "appropriate" organization for women to join.

Although the WCTU had chapters throughout North America with hundreds of thousands of members, the "Christian" in its title was largely limited to those with an evangelical Protestant conviction and the importance of their role has been noted. The goal of evangelizing the world, according to this model, meant that very few Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus were attracted to it, "even though the last three had a pronounced cultural and religious preference for abstinence". But, it was always primarily, and still is, a Christian women's organization. The WCTU's work extended across a range of efforts to bring about personal and social moral reform. In the s it worked on creating legislation to protect working girls from the exploitation of men, including raising Age of Consent laws. Between andmuch of their budget was given to their center on Ellis Island, which helped to start the Americanization process. The WCTU promoted the read article that immigrants were more prone to alcoholism than Native Americans, focusing particularly on Irish and German immigrant communities as the source of the problem.

The WCTU was also concerned about trying to alleviate poverty, through abstinence from alcohol. Through journal articles, the WCTU tried to prove The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition abstinence would help people move up in life. A fictional story in one of their journal articles illustrates this fact:.

The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition

Ned has applied for a job, but he is not chosen. He finds that the potential employer has judged him to be like his Uncle Jack. Jack is a kindly man but he spends his money on drink and cigarettes. Ned has also been seen drinking and smoking.

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The employer thinks that Ned Fisher lacks the necessary traits of industriousness which he associates with abstinence and self-control. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union grew rapidly. The presidential addresses of the WCTU provide excellent insight as to how the organization seamlessly blended issues of source organizing, temperance, education, immigration and cultural assimilation.

The Minnesota chapter's origin is rooted in nation's anti-saloon crusades of and where women all throughout the United States "joined together outside saloons to pray and harass the customers. Sometimes beer was thrown on The Positive Causes Of The Prohibition sidewalk so that Poxitive could not kneel there but they prayed. Women from St. Scovell adopted what was at the time a "progressive" approach to the issue of immigrants, particularly German and Scandinavian in Minnesota, indulging in alcohol and stated:.]

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