The Poetry of Wystan Hugh Auden -

The Poetry of Wystan Hugh Auden Video

Who is WH Auden? The Poetry of Wystan Hugh Auden.

The Poetry of Wystan Hugh Auden - opinion

This makes it clear that the tone of the poem vanes throughout. This shows the dissimilarities in the mood throughout the poem. Aden tends to use fronting to get his point across quicker. This sentence adds an effect by being grounded — It has deliberately been put back-to-front. It gets the theme of the poem across quickly and gives us judgment on the key themes. Therefore, it announces the theme of the poem. The Poetry of Wystan Hugh Auden

This makes it clear that the tone of the poem vanes throughout. This shows the dissimilarities in the mood throughout the poem. Aden tends to use fronting to get his point across quicker. This sentence adds an effect by being grounded — It has deliberately been put back-to-front. It gets the theme of the poem across quickly and gives us judgment on the key themes. Therefore, it announces the theme of the poem.

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However, one could argue that the theme of the poem is not about war. Alternatively, one can see how the poem Is about religion and Jesus — hence the reference to suffering. The structure of the poem is very irregular. The first stanza is a lot longer than the second stanza. This is because Aden wants to state his case before he mentions what the poem is about. The SE of enjambment on the sentence highlights the continuation of the poem.

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Aden is Just setting up his hypothesis and uses both enjambment and end stopping to conjure up the idea of using the second verse as a quicker, punchier stanza. By using language and structural devices in an irregular way, he is able to highlight the contrast in tone and imagery throughout the text. Delivering a high-quality product at a reasonable price is not enough anymore.

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The Poetry of Wystan Hugh Auden

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