The Outsiders By Hinton -

The Outsiders By Hinton

The Outsiders By Hinton - has

Teenagers in a small Oklahoma town have split into two gangs, divided by money, tastes and attitude. Ponyboy knows what to expect and knows he can count on his brothers and friends — until the night someone takes things too far, and life is changed forever. Iconic, outspoken, first. The Originals are the pioneers of fiction for young adults. From political awakening, war and unrequited love to addiction, teenage pregnancy and nuclear holocaust, The Originals confront big issues and articulate difficult truths.

Magnificent: The Outsiders By Hinton

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The Outsiders By Hinton.


Hintpn The Outsiders by S. Hinton My rating: 5 of 5 stars. I watched the movie at least ten years ago and the story had such a great impact on me that it was impossible for me to read the book without comparing it scene for scene to the movie version for just as long.

The Outsiders By Hinton

However, as I was waiting in the bookstore to meet someone, I picked up this book and began reading. Within the first three pages I was hooked.

The Outsiders By Hinton

Narrated from the point of view of the main character, the Himton has a very honest and gritty voice that brings the reality of the lives of these boys and young men this much closer. The Outsiders By Hinton protagonist is multidimensional, realistic and makes it easy for the reader to feel for him and with him. The secondary characters are very well developed and are a vital part in this representation of a difficult life, reality as experienced by those whose fortune was a little less than kind.

The Outsiders By Hinton

The plot was straightforward and easy to follow as the narrator shared this story in a very intimate manner. A chain of events that takes the reader from point A to point B without any distracting The Outsiders By Hinton plots, details or attempts to be poetic. The writing was clear and crisp and, as mentioned above, refrained from any unnecessary and painful tries to squeeze more out of the story. The story spoke for itself; the struggles described and the difficulties experienced were more than enough to make this story a haunting tale of teenage life much harder than it should ever be, that goes beyond acne and glasses.

I must admit, if I had not seen the movie over a decade ago, this book would have been even more haunting and strangely beautiful than it already was.

Compare And Contrast Morals In The Outsiders

Personally, I would have loved to study this book during my school years, since it focuses on the class and societal divisions that so often seem to go unnoticed in the everyday life of the study of young adult literature in the school curriculum. Hinton The Outsiders By Hinton rating: Otsiders of 5 stars I watched the movie at least ten years ago and the story had such a great impact on me that it was impossible for me to read the book without comparing it scene for scene to the movie version for just as long. Like this: Like Loading]

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