The Movements of the 20th Century Culture - situation
The philosophical difference between Maoism and Marxism—Leninism is that the peasantry are the revolutionary vanguard in pre-industrial societies rather than the proletariat. This updating and adaptation of Marxism—Leninism to Chinese conditions in which revolutionary praxis is primary and ideological orthodoxy is secondary represents urban Marxism—Leninism adapted to pre-industrial China. The claim that Mao Zedong had adapted Marxism—Leninism to Chinese conditions evolved into the idea that he had updated it in a fundamental way applying to the world as a whole. From the s until the Chinese economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping in the late s, Maoism was the political and military ideology of the Communist Party of China and of Maoist revolutionary movements throughout the world. In the late s, the Peruvian terrorist group Shining Path developed and synthesized Maoism into Marxism—Leninism—Maoism , a contemporary variety of Marxism—Leninism that is a supposed higher level of Marxism—Leninism that can be applied universally. At the turn of the 20th century, the contemporary Chinese intellectual tradition was defined by two central concepts: i iconoclasm and ii nationalism. The Movements of the 20th Century CultureThe Movements of the 20th Century Culture Video
20th Century Art MovementsThis book is about the people of Germany in the 20th Century, looking in particular at their culture and the actions that came from that culture. Throughout the text the authors have incorporated a German perspective on the events discussed.
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The text addresses both achievement objectives at Level 5 of Culture and Heritage and Time, Continuity and Change within the setting of Europe. In an easy narrative style, the book begins with a broad survey of life in Germany prior to the 20th Century in order to help students understand how culture and heritage can play a part in shaping people and events. During the 20th Century, the German people experienced enormous social, political and economic changes and these changes are discussed in the chapters that follow. They include information on: attempts to modify Centudy culture the effects of WWI on Germany the origins of Nazism and Hitler's rise and fall the aftermath of WWII changes in Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall why certain events occurred in Germany and read article can be learned from them.
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