The Making of a Young Bully -

The Making of a Young Bully Video

Young bully - The Making of Trapped - First Light The Making of a Young Bully. The Making of a Young Bully

Amanda Michelle Todd November 27, — October 10, [4] [5] was a year-old Canadian student and victim of cyberbullying who hanged herself at her home in Port CoquitlamBritish ColumbiaCanada. Before her death, Todd posted a video on YouTube in which she used a series of flash cards to tell her experience of being blackmailed into exposing her breasts The Making of a Young Bully webcam[3] and of being bullied and physically assaulted. The video went viral after her death, [6] resulting in international media attention. The video has had more than 13 million views as of October In response to her death, Christy Clarkthe Premier of British Columbiamade an online statement of condolence and suggested a national discussion on criminalizing cyberbullying. Todd's mother Carol established the Amanda Todd Trust, receiving donations to support anti-bullying awareness education and programs for young people with mental health problems.

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On September 7,Todd posted a 9-minute YouTube video titled My story: Struggling, bullying, suicide, self-harmcontinue reading showed her using a series of flashcards to tell of her experiences being bullied. During the video, Todd writes that when she was in grade 7 —10 The Making of a Young Bully, around the same time she moved in with her father, [11] she used video chat to meet new people over the Internet and received compliments on her looks. A year later, Todd's blackmailer reappeared, creating a Facebook profile that used the topless photo as its profile image and contacting classmates at her new school. After returning home, Todd discovered abusive messages about her suicide attempt posted to Facebook. What the guy did was he went online to the kids who went to [the new school] and said that he was going to be a new student — that he was starting school the following week and that he wanted some friends and could they friend him on Facebook.

The Making of a Young Bully

He eventually gathered people's names and sent Todd's video to her new school", including students, teachers and parents. With Todd's mental state worsening, she began to engage in self-mutilation and cutting. Todd was taunted by other students at her school for her low grades, a consequence of a language-based learning disabilityand for the The Making of a Young Bully she spent in hospital to treat her severe depression. On the day she gets out, that happens. I shake my head and I think, 'Are kids really that nasty, do they really not think, what if it was them? A preliminary investigation by British Columbia Coroners Service showed that Todd's death was a suicide.

The cause of death was reported in some media as hanging, [25] [26] [27] [28] but the exact cause of The Making of a Young Bully had not been released. The Canadian national organization Cybertip. The anti-child-exploitation group stated that, in Novembera concerned citizen reported that images of Todd were in circulation on the Internet. That information was provided to law enforcement as well as child welfare agencies. Following an investigation by Facebook 's security unit, whose report was forwarded by U. Dutch authorities dropped some child pornography charges in October ; [38] [39] Coban's case went to trial in Februaryand concluded on March 16, He faced 72 charges of sexual assault and extortion in the Netherlands involving 39 alleged victims 34 young women and five men in countries as various as Britain, Canada, Norway and the United States, some of whom had been harassed for years ; eventually convicted and sentenced on the Dutch charges of internet fraud and blackmail, he faces five separate Canadian charges related to Todd herself not one of the 39and it was anticipated that he would be extradited to Canada no sooner than the middle of whilst serving his Dutch sentence of 10 years and 8 months.

Carol Todd expressed relief at the sentence. Coban continues maintains his innocence, as it was reported that he was looking please click for source to his name being cleared in Canada, despite the strong evidence against him.

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A pre-trial conference is set to begin on February 12, Todd's suicide received widespread international media coverage, much of which included a link to her YouTube video and an email address provided by the RCMP appealing for information from the public. Within 24 Salmon Fisheries of the appeal, over tips were received. On October 19,a series of vigils was held across Canada and internationally to remember Todd and other victims of bullying. Bullying had been scheduled as a topic before Todd's death and was addressed by speakers Magic Johnsonmusician and anti-bullying advocate Demi Lovato and British Columbia Premier Christy Clark. Initially, Todd's mother was denied entry to an anti-bullying Ykung for fear that her presence would upset other attendees.

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On November 18,people gathered at a final farewell ceremony for Todd at Red Robinson Show Theatre in Coquitlam, near her home. Carol Todd told the gathering that her daughter had left "a larger-than-life message that has sparked the world and has made it open its eyes, its ears and its hearts".

Internet hacking and activist group Anonymous alleged that a year-old man was Todd's blackmailer and main tormentor.]

The Making of a Young Bully

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