The Electric Drive Revolution And Electric Cars -

The Electric Drive Revolution And Electric Cars

Or at least it was. Just so no one can accuse us of burying the lead, GM went ahead and crushed all but a handful of the 1, EV1s it produced.

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The EV1 was a lot of things. A response to a mandate by Californian regulators to increase the production and sale of zero-emissions vehicles. Some fairly cool stuff, to be honest — magnesium-alloy wheels, like a Lancia or racing Alfa from the glory days. Later EV1s got a better battery, with to miles Te real range.

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It also used inductive charging panels, as opposed to the various plugs and pins we have to make do with these days. Actually, yeah. Especially considering it had just bhp. Doubly especially, considering it was an electric car from the s.

The Electric Drive Revolution And Electric Cars

Even though regular production EV1s were limited to 80mph from the factory, GM took the speed limiter off a prototype and reached We did a few sums and found that, with bhp, top whack is mph. This incredible turn of speed is mostly thanks to a drag coefficient of 0. The EV1 program apparently cost somewhere between and million freedom francs, which they absolutely did not recoup. In the s. Which is obviously a very different kettle of fish, but since when has anyone you know actually put fish in a kettle? Have we not just been doing exactly that for the past few hundred words?

The Electric Drive Revolution And Electric Cars

OK, then. It also had a fully electric car on sale in the s, more than a decade before Elon would release the Model S and wrongfoot the entire industry.]

The Electric Drive Revolution And Electric Cars

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