The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare -

The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare Video

Miracles at the Crucifixion of Christ The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare.

The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare - words... fantasy

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The Muslim religion is one of the fastest-growing religions of the world, if not the fastest. Among its many differences with Christianity is that it denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. This Islamic belief is not just something that Muslims conjured up in response to Christianity.

The historical evidence of the crucifixion

Beltsville, MD: Amana, Putting all theological assumptions aside, what does the evidence suggest? Did Jesus really die by crucifixion or did he just appear to be dead?

The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare

In fact, one Muslim claims that:. Rather the apostles kept a distance through fear, and not one of them witnessed the crucifixion. Thomas F. All Biblical quotations unless otherwise noted are from the King James Version.

The Crucifixion Christ On The Cross Between Two Thieves Illumination

Though the disciples forsook Jesus, some of them were still witnesses from a distance Mark Also, there was an anonymous disciple whom Jesus, while on the cross, commanded to The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare care of Mary, John The Gospel of Luke reports that while Jesus was carrying the cross:. In addition to these people already mentioned, the Gospels also reference Jewish leaders Mt. For Muslims to argue that the crucifixion is not historical simply does not square with the historical data because there were multitudes of witnesses to the fact that the Romans crucified Jesus.

Before examining the medical evidence, as a general point, the Romans knew how to crucify their victims. To suppose that the Romans would have allowed Jesus to escape the cross is nonsensical. The Romans knew how to kill someone, and they knew when someone was dead. Concerning the medical evidence, the Gospels report specific conditions that a crucified victim would have experienced. According to Alexander Metherell an M. He later acknowledges that tremendous stress like the kind that Jesus suffered could have produced Curist effect. According to Metherell, hypovolemic shock:. Third, the evidence from Wolliam spear thrust confirms the idea that Jesus did indeed die on the cross.

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Concerning this, Matherell states that hypovolemic shock causes a rapid heartbeat which results fluid around the heart called a pericardial effusion. The Gospel of John testifies to this fact in John which says:. This would have the appearance of a clear fluid like water. Therefore, given the above specific medical evidence, the Journal of the American Medical Association is justified to conclude:.

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In addition to the medical evidence for the historicity of the gospel accounts, there is evidence from early Christian creeds that are located in various Od in the New Testament including Lukeparts of Philippians 2, and 1 Corinthians The creed that provides the strongest evidence for the death and resurrection Jesus is from 1 Corinthians which says:. These few verses are just a sample of a much longer statement by Paul on the resurrection appearances of Jesus.

Verses go on to describe people, James, the apostles, and Paul himself. Habermas and Antony G.]

The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare

One thought on “The Crucifixion Of Christ By William Shakespeare

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