The Buddhist Temple Ceremony -

The Buddhist Temple Ceremony The Buddhist Temple Ceremony. The Buddhist Temple Ceremony

It features such elements as a Benten altar in the middle of a pond and a five-story pagoda and attracts thousands of visitors each year. While the Bdudhist has been an institution on Earth for more than 1, years, it now has ambitious plans to make a home in space. The temple will be filled with sacred Buddhist items such as mandalas and a Vairocana celestial Buddha statue and orbit Earth once every 90 minutes at an altitude of around miles.

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When it has been received in the temple, the data will be stored and will be retained as long as the satellite stays in space, soranews reported. The development of the artificial satellite will start in February, and the launch is scheduled for Source link.

The Buddhist Temple Ceremony

Thursday, February 4, Daily News Media. Japanese monks are planning to set up a Buddhist temple in space.

Buddhism Beliefs

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