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Experience the best museums from London to Seoul in the comfort of your own home. Going into a self-quarantine can have many complex issues and complications beyond having enough food and supplies for two weeks. This collection is especially good for students who are looking for ways to stay on top of their studies while schools are closed. Museums around the world are also sharing their most zen art on social media to help people cope with staying home. And if that's not enough culture for you, New York's Metropolitan Opera will be offering free digital shows every night at p. Now you can even go "outside" with incredible virtual tours of some of America's best national parks. This iconic museum located in the heart of London allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. Taking a Look at Medieval Education Taking a Look at Medieval Education

A recent publication from NCVER released in mid-November takes a look at this issue, because work-based learning is a key component of vocational education.

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It found that work-based education can lead to better employment outcomes for students and provide employers with workers who have relevant skill sets. However, costs to employers are often a barrier. Communication and coordination between employers, providers and students are key to its quality.

Taking a Look at Medieval Education

The benefits can be particularly strong for young people as work-based learning enables them to build a work history, learn from others, and gain an occupational identity. Training providers benefit too, through improved relationships with employers and an enhanced reputation as a training partner, better student motivation and more informed teaching practices and, finally, providing a range of Medievval professional development opportunities for staff.

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Apprenticeships are, of course, the quintessential work-based learning program — and so VET has a long history in this approach. Training packages also put a focus on work-based learning, placements and experiences.

Taking a Look at Medieval Education

But simulated work must also be considered as part of a possible work-based experience, especially when such learning may involve dangers to students themselves, or to others. For students, challenges include securing a work placement Takking the first place and then finding bullying and discrimination and other poor practices in workplaces when the do get one.

It can also cost them time and money to gain work experience and approaches and practices in the workplace may contradict what students have learned in the off-job component, potentially requiring them to reconcile the learning messages the sites of learning have given them.

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Employer challenges include require a business to commit resources and incur costs, such as lost time, productivity and additional administration. They also need to organise programs in their workplace:. The paper outlines some key elements of best practice for providers and employers that, for providers, include carefully matching students with employers and providing them with sufficient support and guidance. There are challenges, though For students, challenges include securing a work placement in the first place and then finding bullying and discrimination and other poor practices in workplaces when the do get one. There are implications for policy makers too.]

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