Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry -

Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry

Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry Video

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry - Characters Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry

The story tells of a Black family's experiences in south Chicagoas they attempt to improve their financial circumstances with an insurance payout following the death of the father. The New York Drama Critics' Circle named it the best play ofand in recent years publications such as The Independent [3] and Time Out [4] have listed it among the best plays ever written.

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Walter and Ruth Younger, their son Travis, along with Walter's mother Lena Mama and Walter's younger sister Beneatha, live in poverty in a dilapidated two-bedroom apartment on Chicago's south side. Walter is barely making a living as a limousine driver. Though Ruth is content with their lot, Walter is not and desperately wishes to become wealthy. His plan is to invest in a liquor store in partnership with Willy and Bobo, his street-smart Summady. Walter has a Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry of entitlement to the money, but Mama has religious objections to alcohol, and Beneatha has to remind him it is Mama's call how to spend it.

Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry

Eventually, Mama puts some of the money down on a new house, choosing an all-white neighborhood over a Black one for the practical reason that it happens to be much cheaper. Walter gives Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry of the money to Willy, who absconds with it, depriving Walter and Beneatha of their dreams, though not the Youngers of their new home. Meanwhile, Karl Lindner, a white representative of the neighborhood they plan to move to, makes a generous offer to buy them out. He wishes to avoid neighborhood tensions over the interracial population, which to the Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry women's horror Walter prepares to accept as a solution to their financial setback.

Haansberry says that while money was something they try to work for, they should never take it if it was a person's way of telling them they weren't fit to walk the same earth as they. Meanwhile, Beneatha's character and direction in life are influenced by two different men who are potentially love interests: her wealthy and educated boyfriend Lorraime Murchison, and Joseph Asagai.

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Neither man is actively involved in the Youngers' financial ups and downs. George represents the "fully assimilated Black man" who denies his African heritage with a "smarter Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry thou" attitude, which Beneatha finds disgusting, while dismissively mocking Walter's situation. Joseph, a Yoruba student from Nigeriapatiently teaches Beneatha about her African heritage; he gives her thoughtfully useful gifts from Africa while pointing out she is unwittingly assimilating herself into white ways. She straightens her hair, for example, which he characterizes as "mutilation". When Beneatha becomes distraught at the loss of the money, she is scolded by Joseph for her materialism. She eventually accepts his point of Summarry that things will get better with a lot of effort, along Pelican Instruments Inc his proposal of marriage and his invitation to move with him to Nigeria to practice medicine.

Walter is oblivious to Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry stark contrast between George and Joseph: his pursuit of wealth can be attained only by liberating himself from Joseph's culture, to which he attributes his poverty, and by rising to George's level, wherein he sees his Hanaberry. Walter redeems himself and Black pride at the end by changing his mind and not accepting the buyout offer, stating that the family is proud of who they are and will try to be good neighbors.

Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry

The play closes with the family leaving for their new home but uncertain future. The character Mrs. Johnson and a few scenes were cut from the Broadway performance and in reproductions due to time constraints. Johnson is the Younger family's nosy and loud neighbor. She cannot understand how the family can consider moving to a white neighborhood and jokes that she will probably read Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry the newspaper in a month that they have been killed in a bombing.]

Summary Of Lorraine Hansberry

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