Statistics and Lies Video
When Numbers LieStatistics and Lies - are
Pritzker's Wednesday news conference was packed with the third kind of lie — his favorite, I suppose: hand-picked statistical calculations that provide a skewed reality about the state's coronavirus response for the purpose of misleading Illinoisans on how things are going. Everybody should know by now that Illinois hasn't done a great job rolling out coronavirus vaccinations. People who qualify for vaccinations are finding it impossible to get an appointment. The only reason we don't know how poorly the state has done vaccinating minority populations hit hardest by the coronavirus crisis is because Pritzker's administration won't release the data. Earlier this week, we became the sixth state … to surpass a million doses," the governor said. But consider this: As of Tuesday, 34 states haven't been shipped a million vaccine doses. In Illinois, more than , vaccine doses remain on shelves — that's more vaccine shots in storage than have been delivered to Louisiana, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pritzker bragged to reporters that our state is "sixth in the country in the number of vaccinations that have been administered to people. That is a statistic that sounds like winning until you consider Illinois, the sixth largest state, also ranks sixth in vaccine doses delivered by the feds , the CDC said. And as of Tuesday, all but eight states had used a higher percentage of coronavirus vaccines sent by the feds than Illinois — which has administered 58 percent of distributed vaccine doses.Statistics and Lies - variant does
What I want to do in this article, in contrast, is look at the figures for the mortality rates, places and causes of death in England in that are slowly being published by the Office for National Statistics in , and discuss what they can tell us about what really happened last year. Under this change to legislation, medical practitioners have a statutory duty to record COVID on a death certificate — as they do not, for example, with pneumonia , the primary cause of death from respiratory diseases. The tool most responsible for its manufacture, however, is the already infamous reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction RT-PCR test. Among the numerous flaws in this catastrophically destructive paper, which is being challenged in the German courts, the authors recommended using 45 cycles of thermal amplification of swab samples for SARS-CoV-2, which, as numerous subsequent studies have confirmed, is many times higher than the number of cycles preferably less than 30 at which the specific coronavirus can be identified, infectious virus reliably detected, or its replication into a disease confirmed. These protocols were adopted and repeated across the world, including in the UK. Statistics and LiesThe U. Department of Agriculture raised its forecast for U. That reflects "record marketing-year exports through January and a slow start to Brazil's export season resulting from harvest delays," the USDA said. Meanwhile, the corn balance sheet is not as tight as expected, with U. March corn fell by 12 cents, or 2.
Brandon’s Incredible Story
Market Pulse Stories are Rapid-fire, short news link on stocks and markets as they move. Visit MarketWatch. Despite the fact money flows remained weak, as shown in the chart below, the market did manage to regain previous highs. Such suggests that the upside may be more limited over Statistics and Lies next couple Sttistics weeks.

The more critical point in the newsletter concerning the market was the breakdown in correlations between the market and its underlying constituents. To wit:.

Topping process can take some. What we know is that markets move based on sentiment and positioning. Their positions exceed the reporting levels of the CFTC.
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These traders are usually involved with the production and processing of the underlying commodity. Statistics and Lies are typically large traders such as clearinghouses, futures commission merchants, foreign brokers, etc. One of the more astonishing data points is that retail investors have increased risk markedly since the March lows. As noted last week, investors have not only taken on record levels of risk via speculative call buying but have also simultaneously increased margin debt to record levels. Currently, net shorts on the VIX are rising sharply and are back to more extreme levels. While not as severe as seen in orthe positioning is large enough to fuel a more significant correction.]
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