Social Stratification -

Social Stratification - happens

Practice Question : Write short note on : Stratification of Classes. Approach: Introduction; Briefly mention about Stratification, delve deeper into class-based stratification, outline examples, mention class in India; Conclusion. Stratification, hierarchy, class divisions are notions used by sociologists and anthropologist to describe social inequality. Social stratification is only one form of social inequality. To describe inequalities sociologists speak of the existence of social stratification which can be defined as structured inequalities between different groupings of people. Social stratification is an inherent character of all societies. It is found in all societies, ancient, modern, simple or complex. That is why, famous American sociologist P.

Question: Social Stratification

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Social Stratification Social Stratification

social stratification

Do you believe the structural-functionalist or the social-conflict approach best explains social stratification? When you think of various groups race, class, and gender in society, which ones have the most power and which ones have the least? What Social Stratification who are some examples? Has this changed over time?

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Do you think it will change in the future? Why or why not? Write your responses in two to three paragraphs. Be sure to Social Stratification terms, concepts, and theory from your readings to support your comments. Remember to respond to the posts of at least two other students in this class.

Social Stratification

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Social Stratification

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