Sexual Harassment And A Disciplinary Offence -

Sexual Harassment And A Disciplinary Offence Sexual Harassment And A Disciplinary Offence Sexual Harassment And A Disciplinary Offence

Skip to main content. Start your free trial. This is the second in a series of three write-ups. Verbal Correction — To memorialize the conversation. Written Warning — State nature of offense, method of correction, Disciplinarg action to. Investigatory Leave — Include length of time and nature of review.

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With decision-making leave Attach memo of instructions. Subject: Excessive, unscheduled absence. Level of Discipline Date Subject. Excessive, Unscheduled Absence.

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Maintenance of good attendance is a condition of employment. In order to minimize hardships. However, periodic sick leave taken on a repeated basis may be viewed as abuse of Annd system. You have incurred seven incidents of unscheduled absence in this rolling calendar year. Seven incidents of unscheduled absence in the rolling calendar year constitute failure.

Sexual Harassment And A Disciplinary Offence

You have already. I hold you fully responsible for. If you need to meet with Gail Herndon in Human Resources to discuss. Interim Performance Evaluation Necessary?

What constitutes as Sexual Harassment?

This is strictly voluntary. In addition, I recognize that you may have certain ideas to improve your performance. Positive: I will remain available to help you and discuss areas where you require.

Sexual Harassment And A Disciplinary Offence

If you meet your performance goals, no further disciplinary action. In addition, you will develop a sense of accomplishment. Negative: An to meet company absenteeism standards is serious. You are now formally. This indicates that you may not. As per Policy 2. The employee will be ineligible to receive any approved. A copy of this document will be placed in your. Scheduled Review Date: None. I also now acknowledge that.]

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