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Relationship Between Music And Mood

That means there are more American families -- moms, dads, children -- whose lives have been changed forever. There are really good people there. I want to thank all the first responders whose bravery likely saved some lives today.

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But as I said just a few months ago, and I said a few months before that, and I said each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough. It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel.

Relationship Between Music And Mood

And it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in America -- next week, or a couple of months from now. We don't yet know why this individual did what he did. Relaationship it's fair to say that anybody who does this has a sickness in their minds, regardless of what they think their motivations may be.

CAT Question

But we are not the only country on Earth that has people with mental illnesses or want to do harm to other people. We are the only advanced country on Earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months. Betwween day! Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine.

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My response here at this podium ends up being routine. The conversation in the aftermath of it. We've become numb to this.]

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