Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship -

Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship

Updated: Nov 15, John Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship I am a very quiet and shy person so it is hard for me to make friends. When I first gave my life to Christ, of course my preacher mentioned the importance of fellowship with others. I told him, "Baby steps. There are introverts. Then there's me". Yep, I'm that bad! I passed on it since I was still emotional from my decision and nervous.

Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship

My mom and me have been to another one since then and I was still nervous. I don't do crowds. I have a Betwern hard time just walking up to someone and initiating a conversation. I never know what to say. Now online, I can be considered a big mouth lol I've made some great friends online.

I've been talking to people since the yahoo messenger and yahoo chat room days. Yea, I'm that old. I actually met my bestie and my BFF on yahoo way back in the day.

Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship

We hit it off immediately and are still friends over 15 yeas later and we've been close for most of those years. I have a few more close friends as well like my crazy country friend whose actually getting hitched tomorrow I'm so happy for you girl!!

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There's Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship my sweet totally cute nerdy friend I know There's also a fellow Christian guy who has become like a father figure to me which I really needed since I lost my dad a few years ago. There are a Relationship Between Friendship And Friendship others as well. I love you all dearly!! Though I know that I have awesome friends, I've realized that I could have had even more than I do if I have given some thought into my actions and words. I have pushed away some people that I know would have been great friends as well. I believe that everything happens for a reason though. I do think of them often and hope they are doing well. If I sense a friend is down, I'm always like In my eyes, I always thought that I was the perfect friend.

I have realized though that despite me being that great of a friend, friendships that I have made still aren't the best that they could be because God was not a part of them then.

However, since I have put God first in my life. I feel it in my soul that my friendships are more than they ever were. I have even apologized to my friends for anything that I have ever said or done to hurt them in the past.]

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