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Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And. Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And

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Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And

Aside from presenting a case and aiming to influence the CEO's decision, should a Product Owner acquiesce if that fails? Or should they keep fighting their case? The PO is the owner of the product, but that doesn't mean they can do watever they want with the product. At the end of the day, they represent the needs and the wants of all stakeholders. Inevitably, you might end up in some situation where the PO has a different vision for the product than some of the stakeholders, but, like reasonable people, the PO and the stakeholders can discuss it and come to an agreement on how to proceed. This can only be either as the PO wants it, as the stakeholder wants it, or some other approach that comes up during the discussion. During the discussion, besides arguments people bring to support their view of things, there will be other things interfering with the decision.

The product is developed as part of some business need of the company, and the company can have certain business Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And, certain budget, certain organizational culture or structure.

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These might need to be put in balance with doing what you think is good for the product for ex, it might be good for the product, but bad for some other - more important - company goal. A Annd CEO will have article source whole image in mind and needs to think about the larger context, not just the product of one PO.

And if the CEO is unreasonable, then you still need to support it, since as a PO you are lower in the company and the CEO is your hierarchical superior and can tell you what to do.

Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And

So if you haven't managed to convince the CEO to do what you want, then you just follow what you have been instructed to do. Build a case.

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Try and find metrics or measures that highlight the flaws in the suggested approach. I would be looking to understand more about the CEO's case. For the Product Owner to be effective in their position they must be aligned around Coordonation product direction with the stakeholders.

If this alignment is lacking, it is likely to impact on the Product Owner's ability to do their job well.

Analysis & Recommendations

In a successful agile implementation, all parties collaborate on what product to build and how to validate that it's fit for purpose. If instead you're positing a non-collaborative environment where product decisions are set by diktat rather than through active collaboration between the value consumer and the Scrum Team, then this isn't really a question about Scrum. Instead, it's Project Manager Provides The Direction Coordination And much more basic one about communication and career management. The Product Owner generally acts as the primary liaison with the customer although high-performing agile teams often interface directly with customersand functions as the "voice of the customer" in determining value when structuring the Product Backlog.

However, the customer is not the only stakeholder: the CEO, CFO, and other internal stakeholders should also have input. Pragmatically, a senior executive can certainly influence or override the decisions of a Product Owner either through diktat or via the budgeting process. However, doing so is generally a sign of one or more of the following:. With that said, the Product Owner's primary accountability is to be the sole arbiter of the Product Backlog.

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So, if senior management disagrees with the contents or priorities of the backlog, the Product Owner can:. However, in a thoroughly non-collaborative, command-and-control environment where the Product Owner is neither empowered to fulfill the role nor able to successfully collaborate on the product vision, then the Scrum values of honesty and communication come into play. A Click Owner who truly doesn't believe in the product vision, or who is not truly empowered to fulfill the Coordinatiom of the Product Owner role, must have the integrity and courage to point that out to the Scrum Team and senior leadership.]

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