Philip Larkin poem comparison -

Philip Larkin poem comparison

Philip Larkin poem comparison Video

'Going Going' by Philip Larkin Analysis Philip Larkin poem comparison

Just past the bin of pastel baby socks and underwear, there are some dollar Chinese-made TVs; one of them singing news about a far-off war, one comparing the breast size of an actress from Hollywood to the breast size of an actress from Bollywood.

Philip Larkin poem comparison

And here is my niece Lucinda, who is nine and a true daughter of Texas, who has developed the flounce of a pedigreed blonde and declares that her favorite sport is shopping. Today is the day she embarks upon her journey, swinging a credit card like a scythe through the meadows of Philip Larkin poem comparison merchandise. Today is the day she stops looking at faces, and starts assessing the labels of purses; So let it begin.

Let her be dipped in the dazzling bounty and raised and wrung out again and again.

Tony Hoagland

And let us watch. As the gods in olden stories turned mortals Lrkin laurel trees and crows to teach them some kind of lesson, so we were turned into Americans to learn something about loneliness. I try the door of where I used to live: Locked. The lawn spreads dazzlingly wide.

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A known bell chimes. I catch my train, ignored.

Philip Larkin poem comparison

Canal and clouds and colleges subside Slowly from view. If he was younger, did he get this son At nineteen, twenty?

Philip Larkin poem comparison

Was he that withdrawn High-collared public-schoolboy, sharing rooms With Cartwright source was killed? Well, it just shows How much How little Yawning, I suppose I fell asleep, waking at the fumes And furnace-glares of Sheffield, where I changed, And ate an awful pie, and walked along The platform to its end to see the ranged Joining and parting lines reflect a strong Unhindered moon. To have no son, no Philip Larkin poem comparison, No house or land still seemed quite natural.]

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