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Intersectionality is an analytical framework for understanding how aspects of a person's social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege. Examples of these aspects are gender , caste , sex , race , class , sexuality , religion , disability , physical appearance , [1] [2] and height. Intersectionality broadens the lens of the first and second waves of feminism , which largely focused on the experiences of women who were both white and middle-class , to include the different experiences of women of color , women who are poor , immigrant women , and other groups. Intersectional feminism aims to separate itself from white feminism by acknowledging women's different experiences and identities. Intersectionality is a qualitative analytic framework developed in the late 20th century that identifies how interlocking systems of power affect those who are most marginalized in society [8] and takes these relationships into account when working to promote social and political equity. Criticism includes the framework's tendency to reduce individuals to specific demographic factors, [10] its use as an ideological tool against other feminist theories, [11] and its association with antisemitism. As it is based in standpoint theory , critics say the focus on subjective experiences can lead to contradictions and the inability to identify common causes of oppression. Identities most commonly referenced in the fourth wave of feminism include race, gender, sex, sexuality, class, ability, nationality, citizenship, religion and body type. Despite being coined in , the term Intersectionality was not adopted widely by feminists until the s and has only grown since that time. Intersectionality is a notion that provides reasoning for certain instances of oppression in society. Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed

Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed Video

The Beginning of Guidance - 09 - The Tongue, Stay Away from Eight (5 - 8), Ills of the Stomach

Big Tech Is No Different. I wrote a bit about it here and here. As I noted in a post earlier this week, it is not an unambitious project:. The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed gas to tech, must be transformed.

And it can only be accomplished with leadership, coordination, and support at every level of government, working in partnership with the private sector to maximize prosperity. If you think that the individual voter will have much say in this, then you will find corporatism something of a disappointment. So, GameStop. Sadly, this source not a story that can be pushed aside to another day.

The Dow Jones Industrial average lost points, or 1. The Nasdaq Composite slid 1.

Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed

Shares of GameStop doubled shortly after the open after Robinhood said it would allow limited buying of the stock and other heavily shorted names after restricting access the day before. Investors are concerned that if GameStop continues to rise in such a volatile fashion, it Swnse ripple through the financial markets, causing losses at brokers like Robinhood and forcing hedge funds who bet against the stock to sell other securities to raise cash. There are also fears that the GameStop mania is a sign of a larger bubble in the market and that its unraveling could also cause turbulence and hit retail investors hard. A number of lawmakers also called for an investigation into the chaotic trading. That continues to be my view. I still think that Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed. Meme stocks will eventually crash back to earth, however close to the moon they get. And when they do, there will be Beig, and calls for much tighter regulation. In the absence of any actionable malpractice, those who have lost out — adults all — will be left to pay the price of their gambling.

That experience will be a teaching moment far more compatible with the preservation of free, relatively open markets than anything that our current crop of legislators could dream up. Somehow, I suspect that the opportunity for that teaching moment will be lost, as the rule-setters move in.

Oil Surges as US Vaccine Rollout Boosts Growth Expectations

More clear-eyed investors large and small are right to be concerned about what the consequences of that might be. As it is, if they are worried that the current drama is a warning sign of a market that has lost its senses a madness of crowds amplified by the power of the Internetthere are more than enough canary corpses scattered around the coal mine to set off feelings of. This for example, via CNBC :. Coindesk :. I wrote a defense of short sellers a few months back. Selling a security short has rarely been a way to make friends, whether with investors, companies, regulators, or even governments.

No one wants to hear that.

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Bubbles, on the other hand, whether in a stock, sector or market, are popular. The boost to revenues that comes from taxing the higher salaries, the higher capital gains and the higher profits that a bubble generates can make a spendthrift government look frugal, and a careless government look wise.

To be told that all this is based Oppreession a mirage, well. Short selling can distort the market in a security. That is why there are, for the most part rightly, so many regulations that govern the practice.

Oppression Is A Sense Of Being Weighed

Being right is not a ticket to popularity. It is bad enough that short sellers show up at the feast, but it is even worse that they profit when the famine they have predicted duly comes to pass. They are routinely depicted as profiting from the misery of others. Hope and greed spring eternal. Short sellers do not always get it right, nor are they philanthropists.]

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