Nursing is a field that requires a -

Nursing is a field that requires a Nursing is a field that requires a

Essay: Exploring a key nursing concept. You need to clearly define the concept of care and give a clear rationale why this is important to your field of nursing practice. It should be explored, and an explanation provided of how this concept relates to the role of the nurse in providing quality care, and to the patient experience. Commentary on its significance to informing your practice as a future nurse is also required. Learning Outcome 2 Be able to understand the principles of contemporary nursing practice in all fields.

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Learning Outcome 3 Be able to engage with people and build caring professional and ethical relationships to enable delivery of person centred care. Learning Outcome 4 Practice practical skills learning and demonstrate practical skills safely.

Nursing is a field that requires a

Essay Structure 1. Introduction words. An fleld generally needs to answer the following 3 questions. The introduction must begin by clearly explaining what the essay is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above. The second part of the introduction needs to outline how the essay will be structured.

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You need to summarise the details given in point 2 below. An introduction needs to articulate why the topic under consideration is of significance. Discussion words a. Define and explain the chosen concept of care, giving a clear description of its relevance to your field of nursing practice e. Learning Outcome 1. Explore and discuss how the concept links to contemporary nursing practice and fie,d quality of care in your field of nursing practice. Learning Outcome 2. Explore the Nursing is a field that requires a of the chosen concept in engaging with people who use health and or other related services.

Learning Outcome 3. Explain how the chosen concept can facilitate the development of caring professional and ethical relationships to enable the delivery of person centred care. Discuss the significance of the chosen concept in informing your future nursing practice. Conclusion words a. Summarise the key learning points thhat have emerged from your discussion above.

Nursing is a field that requires a

Make recommendations on what needs to be done in light of your findings and conclusions. Appropriate referencing is an important element of academic writing. Please be aware that the referencing guide is regularly updated. Appendices serve both the writer, and the reader of your essay.]

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