New York City Ghetto Of Harlem -

New York City Ghetto Of Harlem Video

A$AP Ferg Gives Complex A Tour of Harlem, NY - The Neighborhood New York City Ghetto Of Harlem New York City Ghetto Of Harlem

Like the Upper East Sidethe Upper West Side is an affluent, primarily residential area with many of its residents working in commercial areas of Midtown and Lower Manhattan.

New York City Ghetto Of Harlem

LaGuardia High School located at the south end. The block stretch of Broadway forms the spine of the neighborhood and runs diagonally north—south across the other avenues at the south end of the neighborhood; above 78th Street Broadway runs north parallel to the other avenues.

Traditionally the neighborhood ranged from the former village of Harsenville, centered on the old Bloomingdale Road now Broadway and 65th Streetwest to the railroad yards along the Hudson, then north to th Street, where the ground rises to Morningside Heights. With Gheyto construction of Lincoln Centerits name, though perhaps not the reality, was stretched south to 58th Street.

With the arrival of the corporate headquarters and expensive condos of the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle, and the Riverside South apartment complex built by Donald Trumpthe area from 58th Street to 65th Street is increasingly referred to as Lincoln Square by realtors who acknowledge a different tone and ambiance than that typically associated with the Upper West Side. This is a reversion to the neighborhood's historical name.

New York City Ghetto Of Harlem

The long high bluff above useful sandy coves along the North River was little used or Ghstto by the Lenape New York City Ghetto Of Harlem. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the Upper West Side-to-be contained some of colonial New York's most ambitious houses, spaced along Bloomingdale Road. The name "Bloomingdale District" was used to refer to a part of the Upper West Side — the Ghstto Manhattan Valley neighborhood — located between 96th and th Streets and bounded on the east by Amsterdam Avenue and on the west by Riverside DriveRiverside Parkand the Hudson River.

Its name was a derivation of the description given to the area by Dutch settlers to New Netherlandlikely from Bloemendaala town in the tulip region. It consisted of farms and villages along a road regularized in known as the Bloomingdale Road. Bloomingdale Road was renamed The Boulevard inas the farms and villages were divided into building lots and absorbed into the city. The main artery of this area was the Bloomingdale Road, which began north of where Broadway and the Bowery Lane now Fourth Avenue join at modern Union Square and wended its way northward up to about modern th Street in Morningside Heights, where the road further north was known as the Kingsbridge Road.

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Within the confines of the modern-day Upper West Side, the road passed through areas known as Harsenville, [10] Strycker's Bay, and Bloomingdale Village. With the building of the Croton Aqueduct passing down the area between present day Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue in —42, the northern reaches of the district became divided into Manhattan Valley to the east of the aqueduct and Bloomingdale to the west. Bloomingdale, in the latter half of the 19th century, was the name of a village that occupied the area just south of th street. Much of the riverfront of the Upper West Side was a shipping, transportation, and manufacturing corridor.

The Hudson River Railroad line right-of-way was granted in the late s to connect New York City to Albany, and soon ran along the riverbank. One major non-industrial development, the creation of Central Park in the s and '60s, caused many squatters to move their shacks into the Upper West Side. Parts of the neighborhood became a ragtag collection of squatters' housing, boarding houses, and rowdy taverns. As this development occurred, the old name of Bloomingdale Road was being chopped away and the name Broadway was progressively applied further northward to include what had been lower Bloomingdale Road. Inthe city New York City Ghetto Of Harlem straightening and grading the section of the Bloomingdale Road from Harsenville north, and it became known as "Western Boulevard" or "The Boulevard".

It retained that name until the end of the century, when the name Broadway finally supplanted it. Development of the neighborhood lagged even while Central Park was being laid out in the s and '70s, then was stymied by the Panic of Things turned around with the introduction of the Ninth Avenue elevated in the s along Ninth Avenue renamed Columbus Avenue in article source, and with Columbia University 's relocation to Morningside Heights in the s, using lands once held by the Bloomingdale Insane Asylum.

Riverside Park was conceived and formally approved by the state legislature through the efforts of city parks commissioner Andrew Haswell Green.

The first segment Ghetot park was acquired through condemnation inand New York City Ghetto Of Harlem soon began following a design created by the firm of Frederick Law OlmstedNeew also designed the adjacent, gracefully curving Riverside Drive. Inunder the administration of commissioner Robert Mosesacres 0. Moses, working with landscape architect Gilmore D. Clarke also added playgrounds, and distinctive stonework and the 79th Street Boat Basinbut also cut pedestrians off from direct access to most of the riverfront by building the Henry Hudson Parkway by the river's edge.

According to Robert Caro 's book on Moses, The Power BrokerRiverside Park designed with most of the amenities located in predominantly white neighborhoods, with the neighborhoods closer to Harlem getting shorter shrift.

New York City Ghetto Of Harlem

Largely through their efforts and the support of the city, much of the park has been improved. The Hudson River Greenway along the river-edge of the park is a common route for pedestrians and bicyclists; an extension to the park's greenway runs between 83rd and 91st Streets on New York City Ghetto Of Harlem promenade in the river itself. The Upper West Side experienced a building boom from tothanks in large part to the opening of the city's first subway linewhich comprised, part, what is now a portion of the IRT Broadway—Seventh Avenue Linewith subway stations at 59th66th72nd79th86th91st96thrdththand th Streets.

This followed upon the opening of the now demolished IRT Ninth Avenue Line — the city's first elevated railway — which opened in the decade following the American Civil War. This further stimulated residential development of the area. The stately tall apartment blocks on West End Avenue and the townhouses on the streets between Amsterdam Avenue and Riverside Drive, which contribute to the character of the area, were all constructed during the pre-depression years of the twentieth century.]

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