My Thoughts About Salvation And The God -

My Thoughts About Salvation And The God Video

How Do We Avoid Over-Thinking (or Under-Thinking) the Christian Life? // Ask Pastor John

My Thoughts About Salvation And The God - pity, that

February 9, by Admin. The whole Bible, the gospel of the Lord Jesus, is closed up in seven sealed mysteries. Now, Jesus Christ began to open the seals. Why do I say it is a mystery? Because not everyone understands it. Even some of us who have received salvation do not understand how, when, and why it works, and what the purpose is. My Thoughts About Salvation And The God My Thoughts About Salvation And The God My Thoughts About Salvation And The God

Jonah was a reluctant prophet. Jonah knew the great grace and mercy of God. He knew how longsuffering the Lord could be. Despite the abominations of the heathens they could still be converted, and Jonah did not want that to happen.

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He was personally very angry with his national enemies. Historically, the Assyrians had been very hostile to Israel.

My Thoughts About Salvation And The God

Why should they now be helped? They deserved to be destroyed. So Jonah left the ministry instead of preaching the gospel of redeeming grace. In leaving the sphere of ministry, Jonah decided to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.

The Mystery of Salvation

Located in western Spain, the servant of God tried to get as far as geographically possible from the place where he knew the Lord wanted Him to be. They deserved to be left in ignorance and spiritual darkness, for Essay Psychology people of Nineveh were known for their greed and selfishness hToughts cruelty. Jonah wanted not grace, but judgment to come to Assyria. However, God almighty did not ask Jonah his opinion about this matter.

The Lord simply commanded Jonah to obey. But Jonah could be stubborn. We do not find the prophet even piously praying about the matter in an effort to get God to change His mind.

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We do find Jonah beginning to run from God, and therefore running into trouble as he boarded a ship heading for the wide-open sea. It was not long before Jonah found himself alienated from the other people on board ship. As David was discovered by some discerning Philistines to be different, as a little maid observed that Peter was a disciple of Jesus, so Jonah was found to be different from the other seamen. Once discovered, by his own confession, Jonah said he was the cause for the unusual turbulent waters the ship had sailed into. He should be cast overboard, he said.]

One thought on “My Thoughts About Salvation And The God

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - it is very occupied. I will return - I will necessarily express the opinion on this question.

  2. It is a pity, that now I can not express - it is very occupied. I will return - I will necessarily express the opinion on this question.

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