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DEVELOPING A STRONG CLASSROOM COMMUNITY 17 hours ago · Search Learning for Justice Search. ARTICLE. Facebook is My Classroom, Too. As teachers, we hear almost daily that we “must meet the students where they are.” It is a core tenant, a sacred truth offered as a key to successfully unlocking the hearts and minds of . A teacher's role within a Montessori classroom is to guide and consult students individually by letting each child create their own learning pathway. Classroom materials usually include activities for engaging in practical skills such as pouring and spooning, washing up, scrubbing tables and sweeping. 3 days ago · Learning styles explored including visual spatial learning, auditory learning & hands-on, kinesthetic learning. Find a Center Near You. Find a center. OR Contact Us. We were unable to detect your location. Please enter your ZIP code below. We have detected you ZIP code as xyz. Click the orange button to search for centers near you.
My Classroom Learning Style My Classroom Learning Style

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Introduction Internet — based My Classroom Learning Style and traditional classroom learning are the popular learning styles known to some people. There have been several debates and which is still going on about which learning is the best. However, both learning styles have My Classroom Learning Style limitations, advantages and disadvantages, but researchers still argue that one of the learning styles earlier mentioned is better than the other.

Critics point out that Web-based training is a good alternative for independent, self-motivated students but that technical issues and the need for human contact limit its usefulness for students with other learning styles. More about these learning styles will be discussed in this paper. Definition of Internet — Based Learning Internet-based learning also known as e-learning is any-time, anywhere instruction delivered over the Internet to browser-equipped learners [1].

Another definition of internet-based or web-based learning is the teaching and learning supported by the resources and attributes of the Internet [3]. There are two primary models of Web-based instruction: synchronous instructor-facilitated and asynchronous self-directed, self-paced. ICT Revolution. The arrival of Information Communication Technology ICT revolution has made the world witness an expansion in Lifelong Learning, and it is also an ongoing process. The new ICT revolution has enabled academic institutions to provide more open and flexible learning environment for students. The Internet is possibly the most transformative technology in history for reshaping business, media, entertainment, and the society in amazing ways. But for all its power, it is now being tapped to transform education.

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Computer based learning and teaching is a rapidly growing area in education. Opportunities are evolving in the area of web-based learning through ICT enabled education as bandwidth and transmission speed increases. These opportunities are increasing accessibilities and the quality of ICT enabled education.

My Classroom Learning Style

The convergence of new information technologies such as computers, satellites, telecommunications, and fiber optic technologies make it easier for institutions to implement Lifelong Learning. Web-based course delivery can offer a vibrant learning environment created through different teaching strategies, activities, and technologies. Traditional forms of education are being transformed as the Internet becomes the new medium for communication [4].

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Internet-based learning provides flexibility to pursue education at personally convenient times. Internet-based learning also provides opportunity to take time to compose thoughts or ideas contributed in class on newsgroups which is the asynchronous type of web-based instruction. Furthermore, it enables interaction with classmates in different locations with the help of audio CDs, Video CDs, and real time text. Using hardware to provide education is synchronous communication. Internet-based learning My Classroom Learning Style the cost of travelling to attend lectures. Students using the Internet-based learning style tend to have wider range of opinions and views about some of the discussion made.

My Classroom Learning Style

Students are able to progress in a course at their pace and in order of their own personal needs [5]. Limitation of Internet — Based learning Everything in this world comes with positive and negative points.

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Similarly Web Based Training also has its My Classroom Learning Style of disadvantages and limitations. When the student is not motivated, it leads to drop out. The cost of Clzssroom equipments and communication infrastructure may limit the number of students that can afford internet-based learning. The internet-based learning may be intimating or awkward for some students to use. Students will have a lack of technical support in their homes to use the software tools needed in the course. Poor technical support or tutorial help can lead to incorrect usage of software tools needed to do assignments [5].

My Classroom Learning Style

Definition of Traditional Classroom Learning The traditional classroom has been successful because it provides a means through which learning happens. Traditional classroom learning also called back-to-basics refers to a room especially designed and furnished to provide a favorable learning environment [6].]

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