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Management And Performance The High Performing Company

Management And Performance The High Performing Company - think, that

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InNorfolk, Va. Our recognition as a top-performing health system came after we began to understand the importance of delivering highly reliable quality care and a consistently high rate of improvement across our entire health system. Sentara began our quality and safety journey in the 's like many other health systems. While we would observe improvement, we would often notice varying rates of improvement by facility or group practice.

Management And Performance The High Performing Company

We would also note that our absolute performance, when measured against top performers, would indicate that year to year performance was not always improving at a rate as high as the best perfomers in our industry. We would work hard to improve over a year or two and then find that we were falling back and not sustaining our desired pace of improvement.

Management And Performance The High Performing Company

Health systems can no longer only look internally for improvement opportunities. Adaptation also means looking horizontally, for best practices within or outside your system, and externally outside the healthcare industry. If you are not improving at a rate equal to or better than your peers and competitors, then you are not improving, you are really falling behind!

1. Why do organizations strive to build cohesive teams?

An in-depth self-evaluation helped us realize we were falling behind our high performance peers because Adn a few root causes. One of them was fragmented implementation. The process of implementing best practices was not standardized and coordinated across our 12 hospitals and four medical groups. An illustrative example is the higher rate of urinary tract infections we used to see in our hospitals. Our protocols around catheter removal were not uniform across the system. It took one of our infectious disease specialists read more a year of visiting each hospital and attending nearly 30 meetings to reach consensus on a unified Foley catheter removal protocol for implementation.]

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