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Male Ap %2B Tg Sprague Dawley

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Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Psychopharmacology21 Jun3 : DOI: Review Free to read. Most of these reports focus on the use of PPI in translational models of impaired sensorimotor gating in schizophrenia. This rapid expansion and broad application of PPI as a tool for understanding schizophrenia has, at times, outpaced critical and falsifiable hypotheses about the relative strengths vs.

This review enumerates the realistic expectations for PPI in translational models for schizophrenia research, and provides cautionary notes for the Male Ap %2B Tg Sprague Dawley applications of this important research tool.

Across species, PPI is a reliable, robust quantitative phenotype that is useful for probing the neurobiology and genetics of gating deficits in schizophrenia. Among the paths to understanding the neurobiology of schizophrenia, one heavily traveled, has been the study through preclinical and clinical models of sensorimotor gating and its neural and genetic substrates.

A laboratory paradigm frequently used to operationally measure sensorimotor gating is prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex PPI. Arising implicitly and explicitly from such a broad application of the PPI paradigm Male Ap %2B Tg Sprague Dawley been assumptions and expectations that we hope to examine critically in this review. In so doing, we hope to offer some perspectives on both potentially productive directions of this work, and the degree to which some assumptions and expectations may, or may not, be reasonable. The PPI paradigm was developed as a measure of automatic or preconscious inhibition in normal comparison subjects, as one variant of numerous paired-pulse paradigms in which the presentation of a lead stimulus led to the reduced perceptual or motor response to a second stimulus Peak ; Graham Fig.

Braff et al. A comprehensive review through the year of all reports linking PPI deficits to schizophrenia in clinical is found in Braff et al.

Animal studies first linked this finding to a neurochemical DA and anatomical ventral striatum substrate Sorenson and Swerdlow ; Swerdlow et al. Animal studies have identified developmental Geyer et al. A comprehensive review through the year of all reports using PPI in models predicting antipsychotic properties is found in Geyer et al. Schematic representation, adapted from Swerdlow et al.


Tracings in b begin at pulse onset. The amount of inhibition generated by the prepulse can be appreciated visually by subtracting the solid area from the open area. Studies reporting PPI deficits in schizophrenia patients under specific experimental conditions. This quantitative physiological abnormality in schizophrenia patients, conceptually linked to an intuitive clinical construct and neurochemical, anatomical, developmental, and genetic substrates, has provided Male Ap %2B Tg Sprague Dawley powerful focus for scientific developments.

With the rapid expansion and broad application of variations of PPI measures, new expectations for its use to inform us about the biology of schizophrenia have at times outpaced critical thinking and falsifiable hypotheses about the relative strengths Malw limitations of these complex studies. Unexpected Experience, we hope to enumerate some of these expectations and the future promises and potential limitations of PPI studies.

There is substantial variability and significant overlap in Male Ap %2B Tg Sprague Dawley distributions among normal and disordered populations. In addition, there are many different disorders in which affected individuals are characterized by reduced PPI, on average, compared to a normal comparison population cf. Low levels of PPI can result from normal variations at several levels of this circuitry; alternatively, disease processes can impact different levels of this circuit, with synergistic effects on pontine activity that mediates PPI.

Conceivably, disease processes might even impact this circuitry in such a way as to bias it towards elevated levels of PPI, and compensatory or allostatic changes within feedback or downstream elements of the circuitry might offset the effects of otherwise PPI-disruptive disease processes. Thus, absolute levels of PPI—either low or high—are neither diagnostically nor neurophysiologically specific.]

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