Islam s Influence On The Middle East -

Islam s Influence On The Middle East Video

2017 U.S.-Islamic World Forum: The future of pluralism, citizenship, and religion in the Middle East

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Iran Russia. Artsakh Republic Armenia. Syrian Civil War —present. Syrian opposition. Yemeni Civil War —present. In what has been described as a cold war , the conflict is waged on multiple levels over geopolitical, economic, and sectarian influence in pursuit of regional hegemony. The rivalry today is primarily a political and economic struggle exacerbated by religious differences, and sectarianism in the region is exploited by both countries for geopolitical purposes as part of a larger conflict. The proxy conflict can be traced back to the Iranian Revolution in , when the US-backed monarchic Imperial State of Iran became an Islamic republic. Islam s Influence On The Middle East

Excerpts of the original article.

Islam s Influence On The Middle East

Army training manual. Cole Bridges, a year-old American who joined the U. Army in late —and who was earlier described as "a polite, responsible and trustworthy teen"—was recently arrested and faces two federal charges : "attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State group and the attempted murder of U. In their communiques, Bridges made clear that his allegiance was to Islam and jihad, not America and its soldiers.

Iranians quest for religious change

Army training manual and guidance about military combat tactics, for use by ISIS. On being asked by the OCE what he would do if his army unit engaged Islamic State fighters in combat, Bridges responded, "I would probably go with the brothers," meaning the jihadis.

Islam s Influence On The Middle East

On Dec. In their complaint, all of the prosecutors involved underscored the traitorous nature of Bridges' crime: "Cole Bridges betrayed the oath he swore to defend the United Ispam by attempting to provide ISIS with tactical military advice to ambush and kill his fellow service members," said one, adding, "Our troops risk their lives for our country, but they should never face such peril at the hands of one of their own. Bridges is hardly the first American Muslim soldier to betray his brothers-in-arms. The shock is unwarranted; Bridges is hardly the first American Muslim to betray his nation and fellow brothers-in-arms.

Lebanon losing the religion

Then there was Nasser Abdo, an American soldier arrested in for planning on using a "weapon of mass destruction" to massacre his fellow soldiers. Earlier, inhe had applied for conscientious objector status pending his deployment to Afghanistan, and the Army approved his discharge. I can't deploy with my unit to Afghanistan and participate in the war — I can't both deploy and be a Muslim. And of course there was sergeant Hasan Akbarwho was convicted of murdering two American soldiers and wounding fourteen in a Islam s Influence On The Middle East attack in Kuwait: "He launched the attack because he was concerned U. I may have to make a choice very soon on who to kill. All of this goes back to one pivotal Islamic doctrine, known in Arabic as al-wala' w'al bar'a. Perhaps best translated as "loyalty and enmity," this Middpe tribalistic doctrine calls on Muslims to maintain absolute loyalty to one another, while hating and seeking to undermine all non-Muslims—"even if they be their fathers, sons, brothers, or kin" Https:// ; Influeence The significance of Islam's doctrine of Loyalty and Enmity—which is as ironclad in Islam as the Five Pillars—concerning questions of national allegiance and security can hardly be clearer.

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